Halloween, Schmalloween (the end)

Ta DUH! 2 bras, one pair of socks and a stripe or two of bronzing powder to achieve Peg Bundy realness. In the chest area.

Peg on the loveseat, looking haughty
Although let’s face it, I didn’t really feel like Peg until I put the wig on.

no ma'am
He didn’t get his hair quite right, and try as we might, we never got the voices exact, but we were definitely Al and Peg there for a couple of hours. Tired Al and Peg. Did I mention we’re not having night Halloween parties any more? Yyyyyyeaaaaaah. Ooooolllld.

kids playing poi in the rain
It rained the night of the party. Seattle decided to make up for two beautiful, sunny, rain-free (totally unusual) months by dumping on us heavily this past week. I’ve been spending two hours on the freeway every day in it for work and complaining to anyone who will listen.

frowny pumpkins
The Boy carved these pumpkins at the last minute.

disco disco
Wanna know the funny part? We’ve lived in this house for three years now, and never had a single trick or treater. Since we’re on the Atkins/South Beach/”Fatkins” (I made that up) diet I decided to be strong and not buy candy this year…

black light spider nest
…and then at 10 o’clock at night my neighbor (who I forgot to invite to the party and feel guilty about) showed up on our doorstep with her 13-year-old son…for trick or treating.

Bear Cub with a mask
In my fruit print nightgown with wet hair from the shower, I offered the kid a choice of two Halloween masks in place of candy. At first he tried to refuse, telling me they were “too small” for his face, but his mother forced him to take the devil one. They had just gotten home from church. Love it.

Brenna looking glam
Brenna threw on some, you know, “old clothes” that she had “lying around” with a fabulous glittery hat purchased from my favorite haunt “Display & Costume”. Glam.

Corinne and Liz are hooping schmears
This is Corinne and I hooping to entertain our guests, as we do. It’s just a little out of focus, yeah? I still like it. It has spirit.

Al, Peg, Katniss and Effie Trinket
Al and Peg and Katniss and Effie Trinket from “The Hunger Games”. If you haven’t seen that movie yet, don’t. Just watch “Battle Royale” instead and congratulate yourself on your good taste!

Al Bundy on the couch
We’re going to Spokane this weekend for the Boy’s grandfather’s 90th (!!!) birthday party. We’re also going to pay a visit to Lisa, who wants me to spend the night with her and the kids. It’s going to be hard, but she needs my support. I can’t imagine losing a spouse at this age. Still haven’t wrapped my mind around it. So sad.

scary Corinne
Corinne won “scariest costume”…

Corinne and Maggie love each other
…and had a little snugglefest with Maggie dog. Mawwwwwww. This is my favorite picture of the bunch.

Halloween COMPLETE! What’s next? I’m hungry.

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