Birthday weekend, part 1: arrival at the hotel

Nordstrom star
Heyyy, ho, let’s go, join me over the next few blog entries for my Birthday Weekend Extravagaaaaanza! Here we are in the car on our way to the Westin Hotel, where I decided I wanted to spend my birthday weekend. Well, one night of it, anyway. You’ll be seeing that Nordstrom star several times again! The Boy and I were enamored with it.

twinkle lights and carnival lights
Another shot from the car. I just can’t help myself. We went back to the carnival later that evening to take more shots of the Christmas decorations. I love this time of year!

cycling for charity
This little guy was pedaling his heart out for charity. This winter I am going to be sewing up pillowcases for the homeless shelter like I did last year. Corinne and Kissy are going to crochet some hats to donate. What about you, blogreader? What are you doing for charity this year? Inspire me!

Joshy at the window
Ta da! We made it to the room, with a fabulous view of downtown Seattle. We were both tired from staying up late for the drag queen show the night before, but there was nothing strenuous about this birthday celebration! Think: bed. Food. Repeat.

view from the hotel window
We don’t hang out downtown nearly often enough. I missed it.

the Heavenly Bed WAS heavenly
One of the features of these hotel rooms are the “Heavenly Beds“–pillow top mattresses (just like at home!), down comforters, big squishy pillows. I also enjoyed the fact that it was king size–plenty of room for us to roll around without somebody toppling to the floor.

view from the bed
God I love nice hotel rooms. The cleanliness, the minimalism–then I come back home and think about cleaning our house.

the space needle from the window
The space needle was clearly visible from our room. Thank God it’s not that hideous orange color anymore–that look didn’t work for me, at all. How about a glitter space needle, Seattle? Let’s do it RIGHT!

window gazing
This photo is almost exactly like the one above…let’s just go with it.

obligatory mirror shot
The obligatory mirror shot, of course. Ever since I’ve been able to fit into those pink jeans (again) I’ve been wearing them constantly. So comfortable, and pink seems to match everything. Except my red coat!

Oy vey, I woke up at 6 on the dot this morning to help the Boy get out the door to work early, so he can get off work early and help me babysit later today. We were successful, and I dropped my car off at the mechanic (now it needs new brakes–fun never stops with VW!) and did Pilates and now…now I can’t decide if I should have more coffee or a nap. Tough decisions!

Join me tomorrow for part 2: dinner and downtown!

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