I always feel like some dog is watching me

sally detail
My father’s 14-year-old Lab Sally has finally gone off to the Great Doggy Park in the Sky. At least she didn’t suffer, and wasn’t terribly incontinent all over the house like poor Abbie was near her death. She simply stopped eating for two days, then wouldn’t take any water, and finally she couldn’t walk down the stairs anymore because her hind legs stopped working (the thought of my father carrying his old crippled dog out to go pottie is BREAKING MY HEART). My family went out this morning and had her put down. So long, Sally! You made my parents dog people, and for that I am forever grateful! You will be dearly missed. Man I hate it when doggy friends die.

River dogs.
My doggy friends on the Boise river, a few weeks ago. I thought it was really sweet that my little brother (my now married little brother) went with my parents to put Sally down this morning. Maw.

Fungus among us.
Fall means mushrooms.

Josh's gross bloody bicycle injury. He came home totally unfazed and proceeded to eat his dinner...I had to pressure him into cleaning the wound. Ugh, men.
Josh came home from a bicycle ride with this HUGE bleeding wound on his arm, and proceeded to tuck into his dinner like No Big Deal. I yelled at him until he finally went into the bathroom to wash and smear some Neosporin on it. Of course, he didn’t BANDAGE it and then what do you think got smeared all over the couch later on? Uh huh. Gross. Men.

This soap smells nice.
Not exactly sure that this eggwhite soap does anything for the complexion, but it smells really nice and you can buy a box of six bars on Amazon for like 11 bucks, so…score? I’m also into that African Black Soap. I’ve had the same bar for MONTHS.

Today Mother Nature got high and it was a sunny 75 degrees. In October. Mind you, I'm not complaining!
Taken on Monday this week, when Mother Nature got really high and decided to give us mid-70’s temps. In October! Even today I was at the dog park in a short-sleeved shirt. I hope this is a continuing trend, Seattle weather. Then of course everyone will want to move here.

It's beginning to look like Fall at the dogpark.
Maggie dog in her element. She just fetched the tennis ball for about a half an hour straight at the dog park before finally getting tired enough to flop down in the dirt. That crazy Maggie!

I’m planning on continuing my Scary Movie Month reviews but it’s been really challenging because 1. I’ve seen everything good and 2. I refuse to watch an entire bad movie. I’ve started a ton but finished very few. I’m optimistic, however, because I just put about 6 of them into our regular Netflix queue (as opposed to being limited by the Instant queue) so any day now!

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