Flowers, art, and smoky skies

My mom took this picture of me on the hottest day this year, hanging out in the kiddie pool with my sons. This is me unfiltered with no makeup. This is me smiling because I made it: today it’s been exactly one month since I received my positive Covid resu

Hey blog, summer is almost over! Tomorrow is the last day of summer 2020. Here I am in one of the kiddie pools last month, happy to be a Covid survivor. Happy enough that I posted this picture on social media without any makeup or editing at all! I love the app that gets rid of my undereye circles SO MUCH.

Double-posted to my other account too because I just wanna gaze at this magnificent chunk all day. 10 months old and pure delight.

This was a month ago at 10 months, my chunky hunk just turned 11 months old. Currently he is: scooting VERY quickly around the house, pulling himself up into standing all day long, curious about everything (forget toys), and saying “Mama” “Dada” “dah” (dog), “Hi” and “Bye Bye”. He is delightful. I know I say that a lot…but it’s true.

Boys boys boys 💙

These boys! What have we been up to? Family hikes in the forest every weekend. As much time as we can possibly spend outside, which I’m glad we did, because no one could have anticipated the BS wildfire smoke situation that happened this month.

Dreamy 💚

Green therapy.

Goo picked me little daisies on our walk yesterday. Sooo sweet. Nearly makes up for the Threenager tantrums. 😂😅😬

Goo handing Mama daisies that he picked.

TGIF! Feeling grateful this morning for blue skies and fat baby thighs. 💙

Unfortunately, the “Art in the Garden” art show at the Ballard P-Patch that I always participate in was closed this year due to Covid, but the P-Patch stayed open for visitors and encouraged the plot owners to add art to their patches. Which they did, beautifully! Mom and I took the boys one sunny afternoon.

Met up with a couple of redheads at the P Patch yesterday. @bestbean_notavailable gave me a couple of her beautifully sewn masks. 💕

And look who we met up with! Brenna and Ronia, who I have only seen maybe twice since the pandemic, ugh. We all miss that family.

One of my stylish new fabric masks from @bestbean_notavailable. Check out her Etsy shop, RoniasRoom for quirky/cute clothing and accessories.

Brenna gave me a couple of her beautifully sewn masks. She’s such a talented seamstress. Would you believe I never did sew myself a mask? I made one for Josh and my mother at the beginning of this mess, and I DIY-d some glitter onto a black mask for myself, but I haven’t sewn myself one. I could. But I have other priorities.

A couple of beauts from the P Patch last week. I love flower gazing.

The dahlias at the P Patch were exceptional this year.

More work on my friend Little Edie.

Current painting project of Little Edie! YOU KNOW it was only a matter of time. Dah-ling. I tried watching “Grey Gardens” with my mother last night for the first time ever, and it went EXACTLY like I knew it would. 20 minutes of her pained expression, then she said, “Sorry but it’s depressing” and I shut it off. C’est la vie!

Kind of obsessed with Mr. Chunks’ new jammies—aqua with dogs all over them. 😍

Delicious. The helmet finally comes off on the 28th (one more week) and I am SO excited. His head isn’t flat anymore!

Bear Cub love. 💚

Sweet Goo showing Bear Cub some love. She’s starting to slow down on the stairs. We’re giving her Tricox for her joints now. Dammit.

Floating on what Ronia and I christened the “mermaid floatie” 2 summers ago. Goo is, and will always be, tanner than his mama. 👻

By far the best thing we’ve done all year is go to the cabin for a week! I posted 39583495348 pictures but since they are in albums, they don’t show up in my Flickr. It was quite a trip–the first 3 days we didn’t have any power, and the last day the wildfire smoke was so bad we could barely go outside, but the rest of the time it was GLORIOUS. Swimming, floating, boating, s’mores, sunshine, fat babies in lakes, little boys practicing swimming, grandparents hugging kids they hadn’t seen in months, and my stress diarrhea stopped! Hooray!

I sold a painting today! “Lulu with Glitter Fern” will be shipped off soon to her new home. Hooray! Check out my Etsy shop (link in profile) for my other paintings for sale.

I even sold “Lulu with Glitter Fern” that week. The cabin is magical.

Cabin selfie from last week, no filter/editing. Other than the bags under my eyes (thanks Covid), I think my skin looks good for 40. I credit drinking lots of water, sunscreen, and my mom for the good genes.

My skin even cleared up. Here I am with no editing. Not bad for 40!

Currently: driving back home through wildfire smoke haze back to Seattle, where there will be more wildfire smoke haze. I hate to say I want it to rain because then summer is really over but RAIN, PLEASE. ☔️💦💦💦

The last day was crazy smoky, and when we drove back home it was through a thick layer of smoke. It’s been awful back home ever since, but finally in the last couple of days it rained and now the air quality is “good” again. Thankfully.

Two snaps down in a depressed formation. Do you know anyone who’s having a good year?

Fabulous and wacky vacation aside, this is still how we all feel about 2020, right? Right. Catch you later.

2 thoughts on “Flowers, art, and smoky skies

  1.’re glowing. Happy you are in the healing time. Everything is weird and hard. Outdoor time has felt like the one true grounding thing we have on the reg. xoxoxoxo a million. <3

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