Burning Man Chronicles Part 3: Fire

Onwards and upwards, dear bloggeroos. Now, where were we? Wednesday we spent all day recovering from Tuesday night/morning, so there are no photos from Wednesday until nighttime.

stars dress
I wore the stars dress, with silver tights and the silver boots. Those silver boots were an excellent idea–I wore them every night–they were super comfortable and seemed to match every night outfit.

joshy at night
The Boy’s silver pants looked awesome in the desert.

eyes wide shut
It was rough, motivating to go out, but we knew several people performing fire on Wednesday night and had to do it.

cube at night
There’s that nifty cube again.

I tried, oh damn did I try to take pictures of the fire performances, but it was so hard!

Every kind of fire performer was there–fire swords, poi, hoopers, nunchucks, even one dude with a huge ball of fire that he swirled all over the stage.

fire stage
They had a whole routine choreographed to music.

fire performers

fire spinner

fire performance

fire hooper
We met Zeut at the camping trip earlier this summer, and her fire hooping did not disappoint. It’s a shame my photo did not turn out clearly–she had nothing on but underwear and a large turban, and her curvy female body with the fire hoop spinning around it was a sight to behold.

After the performance Corinne, grumpy as all hell, went back to camp to go to bed, but the Boy and I stayed out for a little while longer. We journeyed over to the end of the playa to listen to some drum and bass, which is not very popular at Burning Man but can be found.

fire spinner outside bass camp
One lone fire spinner outside the Bass Camp.

Then we went to bed. So much for Wednesday! Well, you have to have recovery days too, otherwise you LOSE IT. And we didn’t LOSE IT all week, which is goooood.

My mother asked me point-blank what drugs I took, so I told her (ecstasy and pot). She was just happy that I didn’t drink all week. The only booze that appealed to me at all was some homemade apple cinnamon rum that one of our campmates was handing out–I told Corinne to shut up her yummy sounds–but that was it. I had a sno-cone and a fruit smoothie and lots of other fun cold drinks over the course of the week that were booze-free, and who wants to encourage dehydration in the desert? No thanks.

I told the Boy that I was going to move so much stuff over to the New House today that his head would SPIN when he came home from work later on, so I had best make that shit happen. Too bad we don’t have any Adderall left (Burning Man took care of that–heh). Thank God we have all month to move. Whewwwww.

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