Maui Part 20: the end

Awwwwwwww. All good things must come to an end…or something. I’m glad it worked out to 20 parts–nice and even.

After we returned to our hotel from the aquarium, I remembered that I hadn’t really taken any pictures of the hotel. Being in Maui is excellent, you could stay in any old shithole really and it would be fine, because you spend all day on the beach, but our hotel was really really really nice.

center of the hotel
And my God, it’s PINK, talk about perfect. It reminded me of Florida. Not that I’ve ever been. I asked the Boy’s parents about it and they said Maui is 10,000 times better. Well, I believe that.

waterfall inside the hotel
Waterfalls inside the hotel.

the hotel lobby
The lobby.

outside the hotel

the pool
The pool, which we only swam in at night. I found it incredible how many people were at the pool all day, when the hotel is right on the beach! What is wrong with people??? I’ll take natural water over chlorinated water any time.

bird of paradise flower
Bird of Paradise flowers.

my last sunset in Maui
My last sunset in Maui (sob).

brilliant yellow sunset

another beautiful sunset

neon orange
So gorgeous.


the torches aglow

the hotel garden
I even ran back to the garden to snap a few pictures.

I took so long with the pictures that I had to rush getting ready to go out to dinner, and I hate rushing, so I was cranky for about 10 minutes. Then I got over it. How dare anyone be grumpy in Maui?

cool deco light fixtures
I really liked the light fixtures at the restaurant.

last night outfit
That’s you on the left, Bob, but I trimmed you out because it wasn’t a flattering photo. I do that, you know. I’m nice.

happy (slightly sunburned) faces
It’s us!

I don’t think we’ll be dining at that restaurant in the future. Bob is deathly allergic to nuts, so Fleeta asked the waitress if the pesto he ordered had nuts in it. She assured us it was nut-free, brought us our meals, and after Bob had taken about 3 bites she came back to the table and oh, sorry, that pesto DOES have nuts in it.

His plate was whisked away and a nut-free meal replaced it, but COME ON. Bob had to sit and watch us eat while he waited for the second plate, and never mind that, he could have DIED! She should have given him the meal for free, but instead just gave us a free dessert (1/4 of the cost of the meal). LAME. One of us could have thrown a massive fit but we didn’t. It was our last night.

Paradise Found!
The next morning, Paradise Found again! Right after Bob snapped this photo of me, the second memory card was full. It ended on a good note.

Leaving the airport (let the boo hoos begin…).

still a stunning view

so long
Oh, wahhhhh. The Pacific Northwest is great and all, but hells bells.

out the airplane window

lone sailboat

nice thumb

last glimpse

So, thank you thank you THANK YOU Fleeta and Bob, that was the best trip, ever. The ultimate. Perfection. And I was thin, besides.

And you blogreader, if you ever have the chance to go to Maui, TAKE IT! You will never be sorry. Maui = Magic.

6 thoughts on “Maui Part 20: the end

  1. hi love! those sunset pics are seriously amazels. and i had no idea that maui had such a massive skyscraper situation. i don’t know what i thought…silly mainlander.

  2. um just as i was showing my man your blog this morning he surprised me with … tickets to maui for our birthdays! (which are the same week this month) we are leaving on the 22nd. woah! where should we make sure to go?

  3. aw, yay!!! every place we went was awesome. you can’t lose! I’m soooo happy for you!!! it’s SO ROMANTIC. and honestly, you’ll have a natural high. I mean really, they exist.

  4. …don’t forget to get some shaved ice. don’t miss the sunsets. swim every day. split entrees, if you can. um…um…I’ll try to think of more…

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