the R.A.W. show (part 1)

As previously blabbed about, R.A.W. artists approached me twice this year to display my paintings in their monthly showcase of independent artists, and I accepted their invitation for July. Note to any/all interested parties: I WILL NOT TURN DOWN INVITATIONS TO DISPLAY MY PAINTINGS, EVER! As also previously mentioned, I am easy!

pleased as punch
On the car ride to imusic, the venue. So excited. Everything was cooperating–the false eyelashes, the skin.

petticoat prepared
I had my new petticoat on, and I managed to wear those platform sandals ALL NIGHT* and I only slightly toppled over once!

the nails totally coordinate
The butterfly fingernail stickers, which didn’t impress me at first, ended up coordinating perfectly with the dress. And you know how into coordination I am.

butterfly fingernails
Closer look? I think I’ll leave ’em on all week and wear ’em to Erika’s wedding. They sort of match everything.

A little dash of glitter.

joshy at the space
The Boy at imusic. We were supposed to arrive at 3 to start arranging our spaces, but we arrived at 5:30. In the great tradition of Elizabeth Taylor, I believe in being fashionably late.

first arrangement
The first arrangement of my paintings…

…which we later deemed too clustered.

random black light works out nicely
That black light just happened to be in that corner, which worked out perfectly with my neon painted items.

joan, a hippie and a smoker
Second arrangement worked out better. I posted a mini bio on the wall, since I didn’t have any artist postcards to hand out (stupid, stupid…several people asked me for a card and I mentally cursed each time) (I tried to have some made at the last possible second but it didn’t work out) (sometimes I forget I’m a “working” artist).

The fashion designer had a little make-up/hair room right next to my area, so I got to watch all the models dress and have their hair teased up, horribly, 80s style. I was pleased to note that I was cuter than all the models.

happy artist

After we arranged my paintings, we walked around and checked out everyone’s art before the doors opened.

This artist’s name is Kimberly.

Kimberly's art
She had on a wacky bright red knitted ensemble with matching fluffy ankle socks and bleached blonde hair in a puffy nest around her head. Her age was indeterminable. I meant to introduce myself but never did.

a skeleton

Brandon's walls
This artist’s name is Brandon, and he had a wispy mustache. He had several paintings on cardboard and his prices averaged around 30 bucks. He had clever things scrawled across some of the paintings, like “I was really drunk when I painted this“.

cool lights
I liked the lights upstairs.

dreamy drippy face

grinning children


I liked this girl’s stuff. Her paintings were all obviously based on candid photographs–black images, then she added splashes of color to the background. They were well done.

I had my videotaped interview, a professional photographer took photos of me and my art, we sat down for a little while…
a little rest

The guy who did my interview came around while we were sitting with a camera and I was smiling into it like a moron and he finally said, “This is a video camera” and I groaned. Then he asked me to talk to the Boy, “in an interested way”. We tried our best. We are MARRIED, you know.

under the blue light

After a few self-portraits and looking at the models I was hungry, so we wandered across the street to the Seattle Center.

the emp is silver
The EMP is a friggin’ eyesore.

the emp is pink

the space needle was overhead

tomato playground

a colorful shack
I love how the paint extends to the ground.


little green building

go green
Speaking of “going green”, I am currently watching a team of construction workers out my front window tear down the trees in front of our house, and it’s depressing as shit. I guess I AM a treehugger.

Let me tell you, inside the Seattle Center at 8 pm on a Thursday night is not a happenin’ place. We ate some sad fried food and then made our way back to the club, just in time for the doors opening.

a blast of color
M-m-more to come tomorrow!

* wearing high heels/platform shoes/anything higher than a flat doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m attempting (hard) to embrace higher shoes as part of my new “The time to experiment with drag is your 30s” philosophy.

3 thoughts on “the R.A.W. show (part 1)

  1. YAY, art show post! This is exciting. 🙂 You look perfect, your boy looks very pleased too. You showcase your city in such a great way it’s probably why I want to visit so bad.

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