The RAW show: a teaser.

painting stack
Some of the paintings before the show, dusted and waiting.

Yesterday I attempted to iron my still-unwashed-from-the-wedding blue dress for the show and realized it was hopeless–the damn thing would have to be cleaned first. “Dry clean only” is a statement I tend to ignore, so I threw the dress into the wash on the delicate cycle and resumed my typical day-of-show A.D.D. pacing around the house, twitching when from the bathroom came a hideous SPLORSH sound. Maggie and I looked at each other like, huh?

It was the septic tank, hideously backed up and depositing shit-filled water into the bathtub at a rapid rate. I left a frantic message for our landlord, freaked out a little at the Boy over the phone and finally just packed up my paintings, clothes and make-up and kissed the dogs good-bye and beat it over to Corinne’s house. Phew.

Corinne's make-up table
Ahhhhhh. She took my advice regarding natural light for make-up, and her make-up table is a fabulous, therapeutic spot to sit at.

nice spot
Healthy green plants in abundance, and girlfriend has about 48342898 colors of eyeshadow. An entire drawer of palettes. Unopened samples from Sephora. I loved living vicariously through her make-up collection for a couple of hours. It’s niiiiice.

Novocaine chilling
Hallo, Novocaine. Her cat was chill yesterday, but this morning when we dropped by with Maggie and Bear Cub in tow was not amused.

Corinne was disappointed. “I was hoping they’d all get along and play together,” she said sadly.

Cats and dogs get along? Mwa ahhahahahhaaaaa.

false eyelashes, coconut perfume and silver glitter
I’m crazy about Pacifica perfumes. This coconut one is my current favorite–even the grumpy pharmacist who has never smiled at gave me a HUGE smile last week and asked where the cake was. They all want cake.

fork ring
Fork ring the Boy bought me at Bumbershoot a million years ago. Perfect match for the dress.

Corinne's self-portrait in the car
An accident on the freeway delayed us for an hour, and Corinne lives in Seattle. Madness. I handed the camera back to her and said, “Take some self-portraits, sweetie.”

freeway graffiti
The traffic was moving so sluggishly, in fact, that I finally got to take pictures of the freeway graffiti I normally only see as a blur.

glitter claw
Since the show was the same week I launched “Glitter for All”, I figured I should take the glitter up a notch. Toenails/fingernails/eyelids/face/arms/back. I meant to do legs too but who can think of everything?

car op
The heat made me nearly melt in Corinne’s house but the Boy has air conditioning in his car, which felt wonderful while we sat in traffic. The air conditioning in my car has been broken for a year, but I can’t be bothered to pay to fix it.

Corinne is glam
Twins on display! Much much smaller twins! Corinne has shrunk, even since Erika’s wedding.

“I have to belt my size 8 pants,” she complained to me over the phone.

“Do I get to tell you to shut up pretty soon?” I asked.

“Yes!” she said gleefully.

Losing weight is marvelous. She’s a whole new woman. Her refrigerator is filled with fresh fruit, and she made us homemade pizza before we left for the show. It was fantastic.

sun seatbelt and smile

Teaser! Teaser! I have 200 photos to edit, one Will Ferrell movie to watch (that’s a high priority) and we’re off to go camping tomorrow. No weekend blogging! No weekend blogging! FREEDOM.

All about the show on Monday, of course. Weird tales and flattering photos to come!

4 thoughts on “The RAW show: a teaser.

  1. how funny, we just watched a Will Ferrell movie this weekend, one that I didn’t even know existed until accidentally coming across it (Everything Must Go).

    I hope the show was amazing!!

    1. I KNOW! I didn’t want to say anything in case you hadn’t watched yet. It was soooo slow and plodding. Every now and then there’d be this little glimpse of a possible turn towards something better and then….nothing. Was it meant to be a drama? A dramedy? The humour wasn’t enough and the drama was so….obvious?

      1. obvious and depressing. I zoned out and after it was over we watched “Limitless”, which was pretty damn good (until the end).

        it’s too bad, I love Will Ferrell but that was just a boring movie. made me want to watch “Stranger than Fiction” again. I love that one.

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