July camping part 5: the end (beautiful friend)

one last glimpse
Ahhhhhhhoooooooof. I’d like to go camping two more times this year. That would bring our grand total to 3, and it would beat 2011 and 2012’s records of only going camping twice.

Bear Cub is my watchdog
Bear Cub is such a good little watchdog. She’s very protective of our family, which I appreciate.

Joshy is snacking
Josh showing me his snack. We sat down and had “lunch”–string cheese, crackers and thick slices of Genoa salami before packing up camp and heading back up the mountain to the car. I noticed the trek was a LOT easier than it was for me last year–I’m in better shape! All those weekend hiking excursions are paying off.

from the side
Good-bye, lake! Always a good time!

post-camping braids
Here’s what I looked like unwashed, sans make-up, after having my hair in braids for two days. Mermaid hair! It’s always exciting to me when my hair has curl. It lasts maybe an hour, average.

Today was a stressful day at work but instead of popping a Xanax (I still keep an emergency 2-3 in my purse–you never know), I listened to my beloved “World Clique“, sang loudly along with Lady Miss Kier, walked the dogs at a park and ate two slabs of watermelon and had deep hugs with Josh and BAM! Successful decompression. Three more days to go, then VACATION. TGIS (thank God it’s summer).

4 thoughts on “July camping part 5: the end (beautiful friend)

  1. It’s cool that you include the dogs in so many of your activities. I think there’s a far laxer attitude towards pets where you are than on the eastern beaches i’ve frequented. Do you have to hose them down and shampoo them when you come back from places where they go swimming ? Is it like salt water where they need to be washed, or do you just let them dry off?

    1. There’s no leash laws at this particular lake, thank goodness. What fun would camping be if we had to leash them the entire time? Boooo. We did bathe them after this camping trip–they get incredibly filthy. Bear Cub still has a little spot of sap on her snout. 🙂

  2. I love that after all these pictures your like vacation starts in three days, I want to kill you now:). I’m off the 185th exit off the 26 wave laters on the way to the beach!

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