Exercise, low-carb diets, and returning to writing

Today was lovely.
We just returned home from afternoon walkies. The sun was shining, my gum was fresh, and I was enjoying the bass-heavy tunes from a delightful little group called “Fukkk Offf”. Oh yeah.

Downward dog?
This is what happens when I try to use a yoga mat in the living room. On Instagram I tagged this photo #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings (this is why we can’t have nice things), and was surprised to see that something like 18,000 other photos had this same tag–many of them featuring destroyed household items next to pets. Uh huh uh huh. But what about the love?

I just looked at my exercise chart, and I haven’t had a “rest” day since February 15th. I think I deserve one! Joshy’s been exercising every night too, so we motivate each other. Last night I did 4 miles on the treadmill–and I actually ran for 40 minutes! I’m not a natural runner, so this was pretty impressive for me. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t had stupid side stitches. I HATE SIDE STITCHES.

Gee...I hope my high taste expectations for this gum match the reality!*
I’ve been doing low-carb for the last two weeks, so this is my new “dessert”–heh heh heh siiiiggghhhh. Seriously I wish it DID taste like a cupcake (spoiler: it didn’t). And the “peach cobbler” flavor? EVEN WORSE. Stick with rainbow sherbet. Other “desserts” include chocolate calcium chews, and the occasional protein bar. It’ll be worth it.

Glitter nails/glitter comb (thanks Sally Beauty Supply!).
Somebody’s glitter fetish is still going strong (mine). You don’t really outgrow these things…Glitter Is In the Heart.

My mother said something very sweet to me yesterday on the phone, which has given me some thought…she said I should return to writing fiction. I wrote fiction pretty much all my life, until my 20’s came along. Who knows if it was the booze, grad school, or blogging, but I just stopped writing fiction. I actually would LOVE to return to it–little ideas flicker into my head all the time–I’m just woefully out of practice. Maybe I’ll start with a short story and work my way up. My mother told me that I’ve always been creative, and I’ve always had writing talent–which made me feel really good, and reminded me that yes, one of my childhood dreams always was to be a published author. Definitely something to consider. There’s only so many hours a girl can spend on Buzzfeed taking mindless quizzes, yeah? Yeah.

6 thoughts on “Exercise, low-carb diets, and returning to writing

  1. Oh you’re so right about the glitter … I thought it would be a passing phase for me but thankfully the shiny still shines brightly! Hey thanks for the “dessert” tips, I’m going to try all of them. Can you tell I’m desperate? I can JUST fit into SOME of my vintage frocks, it’s been such a struggle to lose the medication weight and I can’t afford WW. Protein bars and cal choc chews sound great for occasional treats. Write. Just write. xoxoxoxooxox

    1. Awww thanks D. I understand your desperation–that’s why I’m undertaking a low carb diet and running 🙁 It’s so haaaaaard. And thank you for the writing props!

  2. sugar free = aspartame —–> wait gain and depression 🙁 if you already know, then chew away and I’ll shut up.

    1. Noooo I didn’t know that, but I’m not surprised. Everything I like is bad for me. I’ve been addicted to gum ever since I quit smoking, probably before that too, and I especially like it when I’m driving. I quit for a little while because of the link to cancer, but then slowly but surely I started again. I probably need to buy the aspartame-free stuff, thanks for reminding me!

    1. I knew what you meant. But what should I do for an alternative? If I don’t have gum I chew the inside of my cheeks, it’s gross. I think I’m orally fixated. Heh. Sigh.

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