Wet pets

Marina dog park
Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
Oh-oh-oh, I’m on fire

Josh on the rocks
Dear blog, HELP I can’t get that Bruce Springsteen song out of my heeeaaaaad! I don’t even really like Bruce Springsteen. I think that’s the only song I like, which makes me think he probably has other songs I like, but how many bad ones would I have to sift through to hit some good ones?

dogs in the water
Also, although the music of Sting gives me gas, I always enjoy a Police song so maybe I should get a Police album? And if so, which one? Guide me.

Maggie is the queen of fetch
This is the Edmonds Marina Dog Park, by the way, last Sunday. We like wet pets in this family.

Lizzie is out to sea
The tide was the lowest I’d even seen it, all these years I’ve been going out there. There was a suspicious-looking “red tide” floating around and some dead crabs. We made sure to rinse the pets off really well afterwards. Gross.

silly little girls
We have plans to go camping this weekend, despite the fact that it’s been raining ALL WEEK LONG BOOOOO so long summer weather, I guess. We had a great run though, summer!

my furry family
August is always kind of depressing, because you know the end of summer is near. June it feels like it’s going to last forever, July you finally hit your stride, and then crappy old August rolls around and the BLINK summer’s over.

the tail stays dry
Then it’s just endless fall/winter months of rain rain rain RAIN UGH RAIN good thing I have a fluffy Bear Cub tail to stare at to make things better.

Sally is dying. I’ll probably never see her again. The glitter heels I ordered (that I’m not allowed to wear) are FABULOUS:

I should just keep them anyway for kicks. Glitter matches everything!

What else? It’s sticky and I need to exercise. Have a flab-u-lous weekend, I’ll be back soon with pictures of trees.

4 thoughts on “Wet pets

  1. I like Bruce Springsteen… trying to think of what songs I like and totally spacing. Born in the USA is an album my dad played a lot and I listened to a lot as a kid. Might be some ones on there you like. The only Police song I know/like is that one about the stalker.. Every Breath You Take?

    We just went camping for the first time as a family last weekend. How do you make it easier? And find sweet spots like the one you have?

    1. Just doing it a lot, it becomes easier. Pack simplistically. Keep all your camping shit in a big Tupperware in storage, that makes it WAY easier to locate all the items. Camp with a former Boy Scout! Josh leads the way on these trips of ours, I am hopeless by myself. I would imagine camping with children is infinitely harder than camping with dogs!

      1. Freeze dried dinners, just add hot water. Trail mix. Get a water filter, you don’t have to lug water gallons around. Bear bag. Blow-up tiny air mattress to sleep on. Head lamps. Um, um, I have more…

  2. Josh says: “Any forest service land can be camped on, it’s just a matter of knowing where the water is. Camp near water to use with your water filter. REI.com has a printable checklist for camp gear.”

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