Wigs, old people, and party non-invitations

Welcome to my wooooorld. So many boxes, such little time.

“Unpacking is a lot more fun than packing,” said the Broad today over the phone, and I couldn’t agree more. Unpacking IS fun! Packing is the WORST!

Rejected “Old Man” Halloween Wig #1. We were shocked, actually, by just how bad the quality of this wig was. No bueno!

Rejected “Old Man” Halloween wig #2! This was at the Goodwill, which means it was a used wig. Ewwwwwwww. In the end, Josh bought himself a bottle of white shoe polish at the drugstore and he’s going to rub it all over his head to simulate white hair. Yeah, I know! Tried to convince him to get a temporary hair spray but he really wanted that shoe polish.

Meanwhile, this was my first rejected “Old Woman” wig–not a bad wig, really, but not exactly the look I was going for. Even as an old woman, I plan on having long hair. Long Hair 4 Life!

Still, just for fun, I tried on this crazy number. Nahhhhh.

I ended up going with a long, straight grey wig that was labeled “Grey Witch” or something of that sort. We didn’t even go to my beloved “Display & Costume” this year–shocking and sad, but we have to save money for the New House! No 30 dollar wigs for this miss!

Saturday night we took a break from the tedium that is packing up a house, tried on our costumes, watched a shit ton of Youtube tutorials on make-up to look old and then laughed our asses off while taking pictures of each other. That was the highlight of the weekend, let me tell ya! Oh Halloween, I still love you so. Always and forever. People keep asking me what I’m going to be, so instead of saying “an old woman” I’ve started saying “my future self”. Plenty of grandma’s jewelry is featured in my Future Self costume.

Speaking of old people, look at this tasteful magnet I bought Joshy during my last trip to Boise. I cleaned off 95% of the crap we had stuck all over our refrigerator, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to remove this magnet.

I bought this used cane as part of my costume, disinfected it, and proceeded to cover it in holographic glitter stars. A cane’s gotta have FLAIR.

Impulsively, Josh added these fangs to his Old Man costume and surprised me by shambling out into the living room. I laughed so hard, tears ran down my face.

In non-Halloween news, look at this lovely apple tree I spotted the other day on our dogwalk! Very picturesque.

I’d been dying to watch something funny so we rented “Grandma’s Boy” from Netflix and laughed hysterically watching it last night. LOVE THAT MOVIE! We need to own it. I recommended it to my co-workers today. Do yourself a favor and watch it multiple times!

Last night I was in the process of vacuuming and cleaning the house, so I was sweaty, grimy, covered in dog hair, wearing an old stripey shirt and some baggy old running shorts and some winter socks (what do you clean the house in?). Josh was out back cleaning the disgusting, spider-riddled backyard patio, so when I heard a knock on the front door I just assumed it was Josh, and he had locked himself out.

Helloooooo?” I called through the door crack in an obnoxious voice.

“It’s your neighbor!” replied a male voice. Oops.

I opened the door and there stood my neighbor, who I had only talked to once or twice. He’s a decent-looking fella probably in his early 20’s, if I had to guess. He proceeded to tell me that he was planning on having a Halloween party Friday night.

Oh!” I said happily in anticipation of an invitation.

“So I thought I’d give you my phone number, in case we get too loud…”

Oh,” I said. Without skipping a beat, I added, “I thought you were going to invite us!”

“Heh heh,” he laughed nervously, AND LOOKED DOWN AT HIS SHOES.

So not only did my neighbor come over to my house to tell me he was going have a loud Halloween party (my favorite holiday, mind you), he wanted to warn me that it might get loud and HE DIDN’T EVEN INVITE US. Seriously? Am I that old? I am that old. I AM TOO OLD TO ATTEND 20-SOMETHING’S PARTIES.

I mean, not that I would even go, but it hurts a little to not even be invited. And sure, I looked like crap, but what if my hair and make-up had been done? With a cute little outfit on? Would he have invited me then? I’m not so sure.

I told Corinne this over the phone and she assured me that he was just a weirdo, that it’s normal to invite your neighbors to your party. Even if they don’t come over, you still invite them anyway, that’s what neighbors do.

Hell, that’s what I would do, and have done, over the years. Be a good neighbor! Don’t just come over and brag about your huge awesome loud party.

Oh well. I’m moving anyway. Sniff.

Here’s hoping YOU have a fun Halloween, blog-logs! And please invite me to your Halloween parties. Love, Liz

2 thoughts on “Wigs, old people, and party non-invitations

  1. Have to admit I don’t really socialize with my neighbors either.If you’ve ever had a neighbor that became overly intrusive, you learn to be wary. lol

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