The RAW artists show

Dressed up for my third RAW show yesterday. I wore a mint-colored maxi dress from Lulu’s, gold sandals from Seychelles, and gold jewelry courtesy of my grandmother and Josh’s grandmother Frances. I forgot to cover myself in glitter, though, but luckily when Brenna showed up later on she brought some gold body glitter with her (my request) and I schmeared it on, liberally.

My grandmother’s elaborate gold jeweled cuff. I seldom wear gold jewelry, but the dress came with a gold chain on the neckline so everything had to be gold. Don’t mix your metals!

Unflattering lighting at the show. The director of the show had originally told us that we could set up between 1:30 to 2 pm…and the show started at 7! And we had to stay until the end, at 11! No WAY was I going to be that early. We showed up around 5 and that gave us ample time to set up my booth.

Corinne came with us. I talked her into buying a glamorous rhinestone necklace, and I bought a little rhinestone necklace too. This year featured a lot of talented jewelry artists, and I love jewelry!

Josh’s parents actually drove over from Spokane just for my show, which was incredibly sweet of them. Brenna came too, wearing a dress she had just freshly sewn.

Josh pointed out as we were driving home that in the future, I should probably hover around my art and try to get people to BUY it instead of flitting around art shows looking at everyone else’s art. He has a good point–I never stand near my art and I never sell anything at shows! Connection?

I brought some old favorites and the new banana leaves painting and the new Mandala painting. That reminds me, I should list the Mandala on Etsy.

A few of my co-workers showed up, as well as Joshy’s latest BFF, a 23 year old. I tried to hook him up with Corinne but she has recently informed me that she’s “fine” with her status as an “old maid”. BOOOO CORINNE. I swear she has always made herself 20 years older.

Brenna and Joshy looking cute.

The Fam outside.

Some pretty watercolors.

Bright slogan paintings.

My man. He drank whiskey and ginger ale all night and I drank straight ginger ale. Party!

His friend, who I guess will not be hooking up with Corinne. Speaking of sex, the FDA FINALLY approved the first female “Viagra” today! TOOK LONG ENOUGH.

Dancing over ferns can be a little disconcerting. The live music was pretty good. The fashion show, mmmm–left a lot to be desired.

I didn’t sell any art, but from what I could tell a lot of other artists didn’t either. I wonder how much money is actually made at these shows for the artists? I did end up having to buy 4 of my own tickets, despite lots of pleading on FB.

These dudes just started drawing together last Fall. They were enthusiastic about their Instagram following. Well sure an Instagram following is great and all, but is it buying your art?

Butt-centric embroidery.

We did break to eat at a taco truck outside and I spotted this crazy Bug for sale.

Darla came to the show as well.

Wow, is that it already? I actually took about 5 times as many pictures on my phone, but my phone is doing this annoying thing where I don’t receive e-mails when I try to e-mail myself photos. Maybe I’ll post some more next week.

Tomorrow I have to go into work for a couple of hours, and then on Sunday we are having a house party with our old old old co-workers again. Thank the Lord Celia came and cleaned today–I don’t have to do a lick of housework, just the way I like it! Ta ta for now.

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