Spring flowers, house paint and a man in a skirt

Stepping on Matisse. 🎨
Stepping on Matisse’s head in downtown Everett. I haven’t spent a lot of time in downtown Everett (although there is a Hawaiian restaurant that I’ve been wanting to try forEVEr), but I know that we did one of our long practice runs last year there and I don’t remember seeing the artist’s heads!

We had also never seen this fabbuu mirrored wall, near the Village Theatre. Oooh, ahhhh. Cool. This was last weekend, when we were doing a little exploring in a windstorm.

These pretty white flowers are blooming in my neighbor’s yard. I don’t know what they’re called, but they scream SPRING! Speaking of which, my husband just informed me that today is the first day of spring. Awwwwrrriiiiiite!

More colored glass that I did not purchase at “Home Inspirations” last weekend.

Couldn't resist buying these fun little vintage Japanese tea cups/saucer set. The color spoke to me. 😍
For 6 bucks a set though I could not resist buying 2 sets of these gorgeous little Japanese tea cups and saucers. We used them last night for our Sleepytime “extra” tea.

The bedroom window. The bedroom is now teal and light green, we just haven’t put up all the art. Some of the art doesn’t go with the light green. I felt a little ridiculous paying for curtains from Cost Plus when I could EASILY whip some up…but since we had a gift card that guilt is alleviated.

What a beautiful day! 🌞
I always feel guilty spending money when I’m not working, it’s a curse. Hey, guess who’s working all next week though? ME ME ME! Finally. Actually I did work one day last week, I forgot about that.

Thanks to a Groupon, we finally got canvas prints from our Hawaii trips to hang in the kitchen. I took the top photo in Kauai; Josh took the bottom photo in Maui. They look so good against the aqua paint! I wish I was in Hawaii right now, mmmmm.
Thanks to a Groupon that Joshy purchased a few weeks ago, we finally got these really nice canvas prints from our Hawaii trips for uber cheap. The top one was taken by me in Kauai; the bottom one was taken by Josh in Maui. They really POP against the aqua paint in the kitchen.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Don't forget to wear green. 💚💚💚🍀☘
Thursday was St. Patrick’s Day, and even though my period hit and was awful (also 4 days late!), I smeared on some green eyeshadow and this vintage dress that I bought months ago on a thrifting trip with Fleeta and felt cute enough to take a selfie. I have about 3 eyelash extensions left on each eye. Did I mention that I’m giving up eyelash extensions for Robo Baby? Also nail shellac, but that’s mainly because a year of doing nail shellac has completely wrecked my nails. They’ve been bare for weeks. At first it was weird, but I’m getting used to it.

Wet pets! Pets who get wet! 💦💦💦
Thursday and Friday the weather was so gorgeous that the pets and I spent an extra-long time romping at the dog park. I just couldn’t bring myself to stay inside! On Friday we actually spent an unprecedented hour and a half at the dog park! It was glorious.

Maggie and Bear Cub made a new puppy friend today.
I’m still paranoid about the dog poisoner but I can’t let fear destroy the fun of taking my dogs to a park to socialize. I refuse!

I 💚 green.
The onset of two of my favorite seasons (spring and summer) means the return of all of my favorite clothes: my dresses. Yesterday I went through my closet and removed all the pants that don’t fit me right now…about 75% of them. I also took all the dresses that don’t fit me right now, folded them up, and placed them in the back of the closet. No constricting clothes! No tight pants! Stretch, baby, stretch!

A man in a Utilikilt in my kitchen. 😍
He wore his Utilikilt for me on St. Patrick’s Day, much to my delight. He’s training to run the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon again so it fits. I made him a Crockpot full of corned beef and cabbage that day, and tried not to get pissy at his beer intake. Ya know.

...mmm? Oh hello, Dream Bedroom! 💚🌞💕
Googling “bohemian bedrooms” for decorating inspiration makes me happy. Look at this room! It’s like my Dream Bedroom! Snivel sniff.

Trying to sort out the color of the guest room next and the indecision is strong. Looks like a unicorn threw up in here!
All of the paint swatches on the wall make it look like a unicorn threw up in here, huh? We finally decided on the primary color for the guest room yesterday. I think. The indecision was really strong for this room.

Waiting for slowpoke me. 🌿
Currently Josh is out running 17 miles. Yuck. I’m icing my back and my foot (getting old sucks) in preparation for a nice little 3 mile jog on the treadmill downstairs, preferably while watching something funny on Netflix.

This afternoon we have an archery lesson that Josh bought us from Groupon. It was supposed to be two weeks ago but my back was really screwed up, so I bumped it up. My back is still a little screwed up but the show must go on!

Relaxing on the back patio with Maggie dog. The weather can't decide what it wants to do today. ☀️⛅️☁️
Anyway how much damage can I do to my back during a measly hour-long lesson? (stay tuned)

These yellow blooms! 💛
Also in my neighbor’s yard. I love these bright yellow blooms.

Bear Cub appreciating nature. 🌿
Ah, nature. Have a great week, blog logs!

2 thoughts on “Spring flowers, house paint and a man in a skirt

  1. lol I don’t think I know anyone who takes their dogs on as many adventures as yourself.Have to compliment you for that. My dog passed away a while back, and i’m in the midst of deciding whether a new german shepherd puppy’s energy is something I can handle. I’m almost there. Sadly, we don’y have dog friendly parks like yours here.

    1. Well, as a certified Puppy Pusher you know what I’m gonna say: get a puppy! GET A PUPPY! Or avoid those crazy puppy years and get a slightly older dog, Lord knows there’s 53453859 rescue dogs out there that need good homes. 🙂

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