Hot weather, a nice view and birthday shenanigans

Josh invited me to go skiing with him on this balmy beautiful sunny day...ha! 😝
Hey blerg, what’s happening? It’s Friday. Let’s take a break from the endless tweets and articles about the passing of Prince and look at some nature and dogs, hmmm?

85 degrees today, in Seattle, in global warming! What's up?
I worked this week, and the weather was HOT. Like, 86-degrees-on-Monday-hot. So hot, that when I took the dogs for a walk in the afternooon after work (pictured here), we didn’t last long. Even with shade breaks!

Bear Cub keeping cool in a little stream. 💦
So hot that my furry little Bear Cub (who probably needs a spring fur cut right about now) flopped down into a little stream to cool off.

I commuted all week, which gave me loooots of tiiiiiiime on the I5. Man, am I sick of driving on the I5. I feel sorry for people who have to do that drive every day, five days a week, endlessly.

Little kid art at the Schack Art Center. I love his use of color! 💖
Little kid art from last month’s trip to the Schack Art Center. I love his use of neon!

Our rhubarb plant is huge this year! I cut off several stalks a few weeks ago and Josh made a pie last night, with strawberries. Mmmm.
The rhubarb plant, still looking GIANT after I hacked off many stalks. Looks like I need to start Googling rhubarb recipes, eh?

Happy Bear Cub! 🌲
I purposely took today off from work because I have another ultrasound appointment at 10 this morning. This ultrasound will determine the date of my FET, which will be sometime next week. My boss has been throwing more jobs my way, but I told her I would have to get back to her after I find out when my FET is. I don’t want to work on the day of my transfer! Silly.

Flowers + dogs + sunshine = my kind of afternoon 🌞
The ladies in my support group were surprised that I wanted to work at all the week of my transfer, but why not? Work up until it happens, that is. I will probably take a week off afterwards…maybe. It all depends on how I feel. I hope I feel GREAT!

The thermostat/my dress might say "summer"...but my itchy eyeballs know that it's still spring. 💦
Tuesday (mid-80’s weather, and glorious) night’s outfit. I bought that dress in February, the week that I was doing all the hormone shots and my belly swelled like with child. I bought it from Modcloth. Was it overpriced? Absolutely!

It's been so weirdly warm the last two days, I spotted this paddleboard dude downtown and wasn't too surprised. 💦
Sitting in my car talking to Joshy before my support group started Tuesday night, this dude walked right past me (twice). Awww, a paddleboard! Reminds me of Hawaii!

I don't care what anyone says, I love "Dark Shadows" and it reminds me of old school Tim Burton and the soundtrack is great.
Recently re-watched: Tim Burton’s “Dark Shadows”. I loved it. It reminds me of old Tim Burton, and it takes place in 1972 so it has a great soundtrack. Recommended!

Another beautiful afternoon. 💙
The commute may have been terrible, but one perk of the job I had this week was a fantastic view of Seattle. You can just make out the hazy outline of Mount Rainier in the background.

Loooove 💖
The building I worked at had an amazing greenhouse, too. I love these colorful bromeliad plants.

"New" (thanks eBay) Brooks trail running shoes. I didn't expect the sides to be silver and glittery...score! ✨✨✨
After my first trail run last weekend, I decided I should probably buy some actual trail running shoes, since my “barefoot” running shoes don’t work so well for gravel and rocks. On eBay I scored these Brooks trail running shoes in my size for cheap, and! Special bonus! The sides are silver and glittery! Ooooooh.

Reading Erma Bombeck in the sunshine...gee, I feel like a teenager again. 🌞
Reading Erma Bombeck in the sunshine this week gave me a powerful blast of teenage nostalgia. In a good way!

Bear Cub havin' fun in the sun. 🐶
Aw, little Bear Cub enjoying the sunshine.

So many nature walkies.

Yesterday was my old man’s birthday, and things did not go smoothly. First, he requested vanilla cupcakes with homemade buttercream frosting–simple enough. Except that I realized 10 minutes into the baking of said cupcakes that I had forgotten to add EGGS to the mix. Good grief, self! The only ingredients you have to add to a BOX MIX are water, oil, and eggs! The cupcakes turned out sad, flat, and weird-tasting. Cupcakes foiled.

Next, I went to take my contacts out, re-lube them up and insert them back into my eyeballs (there’s a lot of pollen in the air these days), and somehow I got a long dog hair IN MY EYEBALL and then my left contact SHATTERED WHILE IN MY EYE. Yeah. A soft contact. What??? How??? I managed to pull the fragments of contact out of my eye right about the time that my husband was arriving home from work, so he got to witness that painful spectacle. Siiiiigh.

Went against tradition (dog cards) and got him a glitter card and a donut card for his birthday. Also pictured: saline solution, because I somehow got a dog hair in my eyeball and shattered my contact right before this picture. Ohhhh it's one of those day
Instead of dog cards this year, I bought him a glitter card and a donut card (pictured: the pink vial of saline I kept squirting into my poor eye at regular intervals). For presents I bought him an altimeter, new watch and three books.

The healthiest sushi dinner I've ever ordered...miso soup, salad, and a big ass platter of sashimi. Mmmm.
Then we went out and had the healthiest sushi dinner ever: just miso soup, a salad, and sashimi. No rice, even! (I think the waitress forgot, and we were too busy shoveling sashimi in our maws to ask)

Dinner was so healthy, we had to balance it out. 🍦
The dinner was so healthy, we had to go to 31 Flavors afterwards to make up for it. The birthday boy ran several miles yesterday morning and treated himself to a banana split; I ran zero miles yesterday morning and had a single scoop of chocolate mousse royale, mmmmm.

Today it is rainy and grey, but my yard is going to enjoy the moisture. After my appointment this morning I have a Girl Date with Christy…not sure what that’s going to involve, but hopefully brunch! I love brunch. Catch yer later.

2 thoughts on “Hot weather, a nice view and birthday shenanigans

  1. My internet friend Liz, I am so happy to hear that you are pregnant. It has been a long road. I have two sons, now 14 and 12, and they have been nothing but fun since they were born, so I wish the same for you.

    My friend has two children by IVF, the second, his daughter, was from a frozen embryo. He calls her “popsicle.” Must be some religious thing.

    There is a picture of your hand in the blog with no polish. Horrible, horrible, stop that, get out the blinding fucsia emergency kit.

    Best wishes,
    Dave in Ottawa (@res_canadensis)

    1. Aww thanks Dave. Ironically I gave up fingernail polish for the baby! Toenails are still painted though, PHEW! 🙂 🙂

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