Tin Roof Rusted!

Josh went camping this weekend to some obscure chain of lakes and took hundreds of photos...but this one was my favorite.
Hey blerg! How fitting to start this blog entry with the object of my affection…Josh’s bubble butt, of course. His uncle took this photo, per Josh’s request, for ME. Oh gee!

Starting to get a little crispy! 🍂
Josh came back from his camping trip with a little cluster of what we thought we were mosquito bites on his belly…up until Sunday afternoon, when the patch spread to his back in a characteristic, SHINGLES-type way. Gross.

So many blackberries at the park! I gotta come back with a bucket.
We hoofed it over to a walk-in clinic where it was promptly diagnosed as shingles, and picked up an anti-viral medication. We were both concerned about it spreading to me, since I had been warned about working with shingles patients during pregnancy, but it turns out, he can’t give it to me. GOOD. GROSS.

Looking and smelling Fall-ish today. 🍂
Apparently when you are young and relatively healthy it’s the best time to get shingles, they heal quickly and aren’t particularly painful.

Happy Friday! 🌾
I’m leaving this evening to embark on a 6-day trip back to my parents house for a visit with Mumsie, Daddums and the Little Nipper. I haven’t seen the Little Nipper since she was a needle-toothed wild puppy last year!

My cousin Erika gave me this vintage rainbow terrycloth sleeper. The tiny feet KILL ME. 🌈
Lookit this little rainbow vintage sleeper Erika gave me, do you dieeee? I DIE.

Starting to paint the baby room today--"Cool Cucumber". Regardless of sex, the baby room was always gonna be green!
The color is not really showing here, but this is “cool cucumber” and it’s the baby room color. I’ve started painting.

After seeing my cousin Erika's glowing skin, I decided to try her green juice recipe. Wish me luck...
Erika turned me onto this green juice recipe by promising that it would keep me regular. I’ve been hit with a good old-fashioned case of pregnancy constipation and it SUCKS. I can’t say that the green juice is particularly tasty…I need to experiment some more. Like with more pineapple.

Blackberry-stained fingers at the park today.
Blackberry picking at the nearby park yielded some delicious crisp later on that evening, mmmm.

Bacon and cheddar stuffed giant tater tots at the Diamond Knot Brewery, mmmmm 😍
These bacon and cheddar stuffed giant tater tots we snarfed down weren’t half-bad either.

I think maternity clothes make me look even bigger. My child is banana-sized this week! 🍌🍌🍌
Maternity clothes are scientifically proven to make you look 75% more pregnant! I am 21 weeks this week and the little boy is the size of a banana. Wow!

Action family. 🎾
A little throwing stick action last Sunday with the fam.

Forest Cub!
…and a Forest Cub in action. I need to squeeze in one last walk with the rogs before I leave today.

Scored a glider/ottoman for the nursery today for only 89 clams. Sure, it's an earth tone, but I can re-cover it, yeah?
Christy and I went maternity clothes/baby shopping yesterday to my favorite thrift store and a really nice consignment store, and lo and behold, I found a glider chair and ottoman in perfect condition for only 89 dollars. Sure, it’s BROWN, and that’s generally a problem for me, but I figure if it really bugs me I can always re-cover it, yeah? Yeah.

Tonight we met Mr. Bennett. 😍
Then last night we finally met Mr. Bennett, Ronia’s new pet and 6 pounds of pure looooove! PUPPY LOVE! Catch you on the flip side, bloggeroos.

4 thoughts on “Tin Roof Rusted!

  1. OMG you are so beautiful. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful. I came here to gaze upon you. Have I already asked if you’re on snapchat ? I’m dying to catch up but just off the IG bc I’m.. an addict. haha. and need freedom. missyou. xoxoxoxo

  2. what’s my name there.. uhhhh pommama i think. on snap. i’m hoping you’re there. I know ultimately you’re above it but..


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