2012 re-cap, part 2: San Fran, Adventure Liz, and a fun December

Oy. Don’t you hate it when you wake up so early, you actually get less done, even though you’re awake for more hours? I just tried going back to bed but Maggie kept shoving her dogbody into mine and I had heartburn so I got back up. Heigh ho, on with the re-cap!

pop-its and pajamas
We drive to Spokane to camp in the Boy’s parents’ backyard and enjoy a mini family reunion. On the 4th of July we watch kids in jammies throwing Pop-Its! Good Times!

– Lisa, Zane, and the kiddies visit.

Zane and Orion
I never would have imagined it would be the last time I would see him. R.I.P., Zane.

– I fly to Boise to take care (ha ah ha) of Mumsie while she undergoes surgery to have a benign ovarian cyst removed. It is WAY hot.

I love summer

view from camp
CAMPING! One of my favorite things in the world.

hiking pose
Camping again! Including REAL backpacking. Impressed? I was! This is the trip where I became “Adventure Liz“.

abby portrait
Abbie dies. She lived a long, good life, thanks to my mother: the dog nurturer.


good looking family
The Boy and I drive through Eugene, to Berkeley, to San Francisco and back again for my cousin Flynn’s beautiful wedding. I got to hang out with my Californian cousins, spend time with my beautiful pregnant cousin Erika, and lots of good times with the Boy, who had never visited San Francisco before!

painted ladies
We saw so much of the city, took in a ton of art, and ate like pigs. It was an amazing vacation! I could easily live in San Francisco! VERY easily. Our trip also inspired a 12-part blog entry fest and a ton of photos (so my blogging for the month was taken care of).

amazing double rainbow over San Francisco
Not to mention seeing a double rainbow in the gayest city in the world was NOT TO BE TOPPED. Love you, San Fran!

woman with hat diptych
Finally complete the diptych “Woman with Hat”, listed here in my Etsy store.

rainbow landscape
Hiking with the Boy and rogs.

a walk in the woods
And hiking again! The weather in October was beautiful.

– On October 8th (thanks for being so specific, blog) the Boy and I kicked off Atkins, or “Fatkins”, as I prefer to call it. I had told my mother that I was sick of my clothes not fitting me, and she suggested I try it. So I did, and over the next month and a half lost 14 pounds. The Boy lost 11. Success at last!

– I join Twitter (@artwaif)

teal feathered eyelashes
Teal feathered eyelashes! Woo hoo!

A nature walk with the fam (which was really tough during the first stage of Fatkins) and a GLITTER TREE!

finished glitter shoes
DIY glitter shoes! And a tutorial.

Little Red Riding Hood
Red hooded coat dreams come true (thanks, ebay!).

rainbow painting wall
Sold the rainbow painting to a sweet woman named Debra who said it was for her son, whose favorite color is rainbow. Mawwwwwww.

Happy Halloween from Peg and Al Bundy!
Halloween as Peg and Al Bundy! It was our least popular Halloween party ever, prompting me to make the decision to start having early Halloween parties from now on. You know, like brunch. A big, fatty, Halloween brunch party. Doesn’t that sound nice? Old (ahem). Ollllld.

– Obama wins the election, and good ol’ Washington state legalizes gay marriage and marijuana! I’m proud of you, Washington state!

Lew and Bill
A trip to Spokane for the Boy’s grandfather’s 90th birthday party, and an emotionally rough, but special visit with Lisa and the kids. Love you, Lisa.

pink pants
Finally fit into the pink H&M pants I bought months earlier with Corinne (hey, it was a good day!).

– a fun trip to “Display & Costume” with Corinne

the Boy finally joins Facebook and Instagram; becomes obsessed with his new iphone

– getting dressed up for a post-wedding party

Thanksgiving with the Boy’s family

woman with headdress and pearls
Completed “Woman with Headdress and Pearls”, listed in my Etsy shop.

– Corinne and I discover NEON YARN (yes!)

pretty pathway
Nature Preserve with the rogs and the Boy.

Happy Wig Wednesday!
My first Wig Wednesday!

Jinkx in sequins
I have an amazing birthday weekend, including a drag queen show, a fabulous hotel stay, and finishing up with Pike Place Market. One of my favorite birthdays ever!

– our Christmas present (to ourselves) arrives early: a new computer tower. I finally give up the ancient photo editing program I’d been using for 10+ years (shocking!).

– thanks to Corinne’s generosity, the three of us see Louis C.K.! It was a wonderful show.

an art show

a great night with the Boy’s fam, celebrating Christmas early

Christmas in Boise!

Whew! That was exhausting. So: 2012. Some ups, some downs. Some pettipants, some paintings. Some vacations, some work. Bring on 2013, I’m ready! Have a flab-u-lous New Years, blog logs! I think we’re having Dick’s tonight. Let the good times ROLL!

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