
I covered a thumbtack board with this crazy rainbow batik fabric to make a cool display to hang my necklaces on.

“Look at this fabric!” I said enthusiastically to Josh. “Doesn’t it make you feel like you’re on acid?”

“I’ve never taken acid,” he reminded me for the 340th time. Oh.

FINALLY my dreams of mounting my rainbow platform shoes on their very own pedestal WITH the rainbow platform painting over the top have come TRUE. Phew! Check that one off the list!

Speaking of rainbow, look at this adorable little rainbow backpack that I spotted in “Elle” magazine! Only 1575 dollars! BWA HA HA, high fashion designers, you guys are hilaaaaarious.

When I read articles like this “Women in Art” article it reminds me why I still subscribe to “Elle” magazine. That and I love “Ask EEEEEEEEE Jean”. She’s a hoot!

Sweetie dahling dahling sweetie this is the best costume for today when you are exploring the Sound in December.

With some wet pets, of course.

This burro on the beach was CLEARLY giving me the side-eye.

We stood in front of the Christmas tree last night and breathed it in for a few minutes, before driving over to Dairy Queen for candy cane Blizzards. You understand.

Bottom half of recent-ish work outfit, waiting at the pharmacy for a Trazadone refill and enjoying a snack.

Top half of the same outfit. Pearl necklace by my Aunt Lisa. Last night I found a painting that I was pretty sure my Aunt Lisa had said she wanted years ago. I texted her for confirmation, she said she still wanted it, and asked me how much. I told her I’d trade her art for jewelry! Talk about a sweet deal! She has excellent taste.

These neon happy face ornaments SPOKE to me recently at Cost Plus. They had yellow too, but the green and pink were my favorite.

Current shellac: chunky gold holiday glitter. Celebrate!

Here’s one of the “kids” (bwa ha) from the art show, getting his armpit hair dyed. I mean it, I want to do this. In the summertime though, who’s going to see my armpits now? Wait a minute, I’m a heavy sweater. Will that be a problem?

Fun artwork by Izzy, who entertained me at the show.

Two years ago one of the artists at the show was selling these paint-by-numbers kits, and this time around they were discounted from 25 to 5 bucks, so I bought the “Cuban Car”. It will look nice in teal.

I’m adding a shitload of holographic glitter to the Gay Nutcracker (who still needs a name) to make him more…ah…palatable? Yeah. He’s getting bettuh.

D’awwwww we ordered this from Etsy because we couldn’t find a suitable ornament locally.

Happy first day of Hanukkah, Jewish blog-logs! I’m going to walk the pets and strive to begin a new painting today. Wish me luck!

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