Begging for a piece of that bubble

These flowers arranged themselves into a heart-shape, I swear. OoooWEEEeeeOOOOOh.

What is going on in the world? Measles and mumps, oh my? If I had kids, I’d get their asses vaccinated, NO PROBLEM. Hurrumph. Speaking of illnesses, I spent all weekend blowing snot out of my nose and coughing my guts out, but I am 92% better today. In fact, I even attempted some ab exercises yesterday for the first time in…um…the first time in…huh.

Did you know I'm married to Tobias Funke?
Josh bought himself a new pair of Levis, which he then proceeded to wet down and then wear around the house to MOLD to his bubble butt, a’la Marilyn Monroe. Then he gathered up 4 pairs of jeans and told me he was going to “get rid of them”. I didn’t really believe him, but I was pleasantly suprised when he cut one pair into these tiny little jean shorts, GAY AS THE DAY IS LONG MY GOD. I had to take 8 or 9 pictures of Josh in the cut-offs and plaster them all over the Internet, because, as my cousin Erika always said, “Sharing is Caring“.

Every afternoon: coffee and dogs. Sometimes I switch up the order. Right now I’m having coffee after I walked the dogs, because Maggie was so ramped up she was actually barking at me when I arrived home from work. I should videotape her one of these days–how eager she is when I get home from work–and then someday when she’s dead I can sob over the video. Wow, that got morbid quickly. I need to stop talking about deceased pets with my patients.

I have not consulted the master list to find out what these lovely flowers are that are growing in our backyard. I love all this spring growth happening in February.

I’m stuck on the background color for this painting, so I decided to crowdsource: “What color should I paint the background?”. I’ve received the following replies:

Josh–yellow/green/brown mixture (sigh)
My mother–“it’s fine the way it is”
Various Instagram friends: green, lavender, and purple.

AACK! I’m in no rush. It will happen when it happens…I’m leaning towards green, though.

Being sick and forced to not run around quite so much this past weekend was the perfect time to start working my way through my piles of old “Vogue”s, and this amazing Gaultier skirt from the May 2002 issue caught my eye. Gorrrrgeous. Ungh, I really need to get on my sewing machine one of these (months).

This evening’s goal: put on some stretchy clothes and go perform Blogilates downstairs. I’ve only done Pilates twice since we moved into this house (in November), and last year I stayed in pretty good shape alternating Blogilates and cardio days. Also: make some Deviled eggs. I love Deviled eggs.

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