Lots of new paintings and some flowers too

That’s my baby 😎
Hey blog! My blogging frequency has really declined over the past month…just two posts last month. But after FIFTEEN YEARS (?!) I suppose that’s to be expected. Look at my baby! He fell out of his raised sandbox onto his face a couple of weeks ago. He has a little wound on the side of his nose that keeps forming a scab and tearing off too soon, never healing. Poor little kid.

The rhodies in our front yard are poppin’.
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for Mr. Baby. Last week the entire family had the Norovirus, which was 0% fun. For baby it was about a week of diarrhea, with intermittent vomiting. For me it was a few days of diarrhea and one night of vomiting about 4 times. Josh never threw up, lucky him!

Hike, baby 🌲
And then once that nonsense was all over with, the baby’s molars all appeared to be coming in at once, so this past week he woke up at 4, 5, 6…all over the place. Thankfully this morning he slept in until 6:30. Except now him and Josh have a cold. Fun never stops!

Finished this baby blanket today. I think the blanket is more for me...I had to make something out of that dreamy minky fabric! 😍
Here’s the baby blanket I finally got it together enough to sew for the baby/me. I love that aqua-colored minkie fabric!

New painting listed in my Etsy shop! “Jawbreaker”. This was my first fluid art painting and it’s still my favorite! 💖✨
“Jawbreaker”, available HERE!

A couple days ago I dropped out of the RAW show. Unfortunately, it all came down to finances. Specifically, the 440$ I would have to pay RAW if none of my tickets sold. The day before I dropped out, I had sold exactly one ticket…to the Broad. I panicked and dropped out.

Broke my #ketodiet today for this mammer jammer 🍧
Right now I’m working on applying to do a show in Ballard–the only cost for the artist booth is 70$. Of course, I have to apply for a Seattle small business licence, which is around 55$. Still! Better than 440$!

Just added another fluid art painting to my Etsy shop! This one is called “Palm Springs”.
“Palm Springs”, available HERE!

Beautiful day for a nature romp 🌞
I’m still doing low-carb, but the weight loss is sluggish. Maybe every two weeks my weight will drop down two pounds, and then stay there forevvvvvverrrrrrr. I consulted the dietician at work. She told me to weigh my food.

We are a household of sickies right now. Not sure what we have, but it’s been 0% fun. This was taken yesterday, before it hit me.
Turns out I’m fairly good at guessing. I guessed a pork chop was 4 ounces; it was 4.4. I didn’t even have to buy a food scale, we have a tiny postal scale! Bwa ha haaaaa. But do you think I’m really going to weigh my food? Um, no.

This necklace aka my belated Mother’s Day gift arrived today from Turkey. ✨
Here’s my belated Mother’s Day prezzie from Etsy. It was shipped from Turkey and took awhile.

Sweet baby Goo!

Another fluid art painting listed in my Etsy shop! This one is called “Valentine”, and it is heavy on the holographic glitter. 💖✨✨
“Valentine”, available HERE!

Spring mix 💚
My neighbor’s yard is so pretty in the springtime.

Happy Dog Butt Friday!
Hmmm, what else is new? I can’t believe it’s already June. This year is going by way too quickly. Pretty soon it will be camping weather! Yayyyyy!

Friday night rainbow paint pour using tips from @brittanyzick 🌈✨✨✨
I paid 30$ for an ongoing FB Fluid Art class run by the artist who got me interested in fluid art. Using her tips I created this fun neon piece…

I made a little baby painting from the drippings of my bigger painting last night, isn’t it cute?
…and I used the drippings to make a baby piece! Maw.

My neighbors gorgeous deep purple irises, against our bright magenta rhodies.
Our neighbor’s irises next to our rhodies. I’ve been wanting to take the baby to the arboretum this past week but the weather has been cold and crappy.

Working on this little lady today. 💖✨✨✨
I’ve been working on this one forever.

Meadow Cub 🌾
We were thinking about buying a new bed this weekend but changed our minds once we assessed the current finances. We don’t NEEEEED a new bed anyway.

Currently reading. I’ve read all her books, but missed this one back in 2016 (probably because I didn’t read while I was pregnant—just listened to stand-up comedy!).
I’ve read all of Tana French’s work. Somehow I missed this one back in 2016–the year I was pregnant, I didn’t really read. Especially not anything heavy!

Let’s go for a walk 🌿
I wonder if I will be the same way the second time around? I loved listening to stand-up when I was pregnant. I hope there are a lot of fresh stand-ups to listen to next year.

Secret Garden 🌸
Spotted in Mukilteo. I actually pulled the car over to take this photo, because I thought it was so beautiful.

Going into our 10th year of marriage and texting with bitmojis.
Sometimes Josh and I communicate exclusively in Bitmojis. Dorks!

Oh man, I would have been all over this glitter rainbow backpack as a baby raver. Now as an “adult”, I found myself fighting to not buy it. 🌈✨
I want you to know just how hard it was for me to resist this little glitter vinyl backpack I spotted recently…SOOOO HAAAARD. Maybe I should have bought it, for the baby? Nah. It would have ended up being worn by me. I can’t resist that shit.

Ughhhhh I want but I’m doing #keto...😭😭😭
Had to do another hard pass on this sno-cone machine. Although surely delightful on a hot summer’s day, it will not help me achieve my goals…of fitting into my pre-pregnancy wardrobe.

Ran out of canvas/wood so I improvised over a paint-by-numbers canvas that I was never going to paint, and a tiny Marilyn that was giving me fits. I don’t usually paint over paintings, but sometimes...desperation calls!
The other day I was desperate to pour some art so I poured over an old paint-by-numbers canvas that I would never ever complete, and that damn tiny Marilyn painting that was never going to look right. Josh says I should call these pieces “Paint by Numbers” and “Marilyn”. Nobody would get it, but I think it’s clever!

Happy hump day 💫
Hey it’s me! This was last Wednesday, right after work. Still in my work outfit.

The baby and I went to “Hobby Lobby” for potential art supplies and this sign cracked me up, tucked amidst all the inspirational “Live! Laugh! Love!” signs.

Now that this image is giant instead of a tiny box on my phone, I can see that it is not especially sharp. My phone doesn’t do macro at all.

Playing with paints 🎨
Sometimes playing with paint is irresistible. I still have some under my fingernails.

A new canvas shape! ⭐️
At “Hobby Lobby” I scored some fun new wooden stars to paint.

The #keto forums rave about this stuff so I thought I would give it a try for my coconut/chocolate/almond butter #fatbombs. Stevia has a funky aftertaste to me.
A new artificial sweetener to try in my keto snacks. I still haven’t met a sugar substitute I like.

Train graffiti spotted in Mukilteo.
Well that just about wraps er up! I’m off to play with my baby.

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