Camping and an art show and something important to remember

Heyyyyy you guyyyyys. I just spent way too long messing around with my blog host panel and it’s 80 degrees upstairs and I’m schvitzing like crazy and have lost all interest in blogging. But still, she persisted.

Summer bouquet πŸ”₯🌼🌿
Beautiful summer bouquet purchased at a local Farmer’s Market last month. The market I really wanted to go to, the one that I recall had a great booth with jewelry where I purchased a necklace three years ago, was closed this season. Boo.

Friday at last! 😎
The market we went to was crazy crowded and HOT. I felt so sorry for all the dogs and their tender paws on the hot pavement.

πŸ’™(thanks @taxcollection)
Found on IG and a good reminder.

Stay cool this week 😎
It’s the one surviving picture from camping last month! Everything else is in an “album”. What do I remember? Baby M hates the pack and play, cried many many times, and ultimately slept next to Daddy, because I cannot co-sleep with my baby ever. That was the worst part. Better parts included the fact that baby stayed in the camp the whole time, we all got wet and cool in the river, the dogs had fun, we ate s’mores, and there were no major injuries. Huzzah!

Look at this cutie we met at the dog park today! Shar Pei and Husky mix. 😍
This dude at the big dog park offered to hold his adorable puppy while I snapped this shot. I cropped the owner’s head out because ummmm…it feels weird to post stranger’s head shots on my social media.

July calls for rainbow toes 🌈
My toenails have been painted rainbow since July 25th and I just keep painting them rainbow. It’s such a cute look for summer.

At the dog park with hats! Finally he has a hat he will tolerate! πŸ™Œ
After 18 months of me forcing hats on M and him violently flinging them off (sometimes with crying and whining), he finally allows a hat on his head! This adorable fedora thrifted by Fleeta last year. I find fedoras douche-y on 85% of men but certain men can pull them off and so can my son.

It’s too darn hot for make-up, so I finally got my lashes re-done. All the DRAMA and none of the mascara streaks! Score!
I got re-lashed by a new lady right before the art show, as my usual lady’s mom was rushed to ICU the night before our appointment. This new lady was cheaper (100$ for a full set), faster (1.5 hours for a full set) and I actually FELL ASLEEP during the process which I’ve never done before…but…but (there’s always a butt) the next morning I woke up to 8 lashes on my cheek and most of them had fallen out by the time we went to the lake last week. Heigh ho.

My niece’s cool art. It lights up with LED! πŸ’₯
Ronia is an artist, and I always like it when she shows me her latest art when we go over to the Manse. This one lights up with LED! This photo is, I suspect, from when we dropped off M for Brenna to babysit during my art show. Not sure if there are any pictures of my art show. Let’s find out…

Art fair ready! Wearing the dress my mother bought for my brother’s wedding (and then gave to me) and fabulous jewelry by my Aunt @lkobrien7.
Here’s a fresh selfie before the show…knowing full well I would be roasting all day under the July sun and not looking so fresh later. Dress my mother bought for Stewart’s wedding and gifted to me. Necklace from Aunt Lisa…I always assumed she made it and bragged about that every time I wore it. Then recently we were texting and she confessed she just bought it. I told her I would keep telling people she made it because it made for a better story!

I met a nice photographer named Ana at the show on Saturday who took this pic of me with my art. πŸ’™
The show was SO much fun. It was in an outdoor public garden space in Ballard, close to Brenna’s home, so during the show her whole family walked over with M and hung out for a little while. Surrounded by beautiful flowers and super nice fellow artists, and the vibe was mellow. There was artisan ice cream (fabulous) and free brats and beer for artists (Josh partook) AND…

The giant water mister at the art fair yesterday = heaven. It reminded Josh and I of the water mist camp next to ours at Burning Man. βœ¨πŸ’¦βœ¨
…a giant water mister to dance through! The atmosphere was reminiscent of Burning Man, but with less dust and more clothing. I would most definitely participate again, and really I can’t believe I haven’t been doing outdoor shows all along. They are SO me.

Outside is the best place to be.

First carrot from the garden! Awwww.
Here’s one of the few carrots we’ve pulled up, the rest are waiting, and hopefully growing.

Got to see my Broad today. Blurry photo effects caused by sunscreen grease 😎
To celebrate the end of the July posts, here’s me and my Broad! This was a going-away party for one of my co-workers at a brewery right next to Corinne’s house, so of course I had to pick her up. Josh stayed at home with the baby, so I was able to be an “adult” for a couple hours. It was niiiiice.

Alright that’s it for me. Time to watch an episode of “Harlots”. I’ll be back with August posts soon!

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