Birthday wigheads and Christmas sparkle

Glammed up and ready to get my turkey on at GG’s house. ✨✨✨✨✨

Heyo blog, we made it to the end of 2019! What a loooooooooong ass year. I feel like I was pregnant forEVER, and yet it seems like the last 2 months have gone by fairly quick. I can’t believe I’m over 2/3rds done with my maternity leave already.

So happy we all had the chance to catch up with my cousin Flynn and his lovely pregnant wife Molly this evening. ✨

My cousin Flynn and his beautiful wife Molly stopped by our place around Thanksgiving last month. We tried our best not to talk about babies the entire time (but we still talked about babies the entire time).

Glitter eyes, berry lips and sunbeams on the way to Brenna’s this morning. ✨✨✨

It may take an IG filter, a bunch of lipstain and eye glitter and some sunbeams but occasionally, DAMMIT, I feel pretty, oh so pretty…

We are family! 💚💙💚 (except Jerry…we forgot about him)

The whole fam! Brenna threw my MIL a birthday brunch at her house the Saturday before my birthday, and I may have acted just a smidge bratty and told Brenna and my MIL I considered it to be “my party too”. Once a brat, always a brat! It was lovely.

Say hello to my little friend: Mr. Bennet loves me. 💙💙💙

Mr. Bennet is still very much my lapdog.

A bearded man serenades me while I feed a little redhead. 💚

Upstairs in Brenna’s bedroom, breastfeeding Mr. Chunks (the nickname I have now settled on), and being serenaded by this bearded fellow.

Finally, celebrating my 30s: the boys. I spent the first half of my 30s trying to get pregnant and the second half of my 30s finally achieving that goal, thanks to IVF. The process was very humbling but I never gave up hope.

My boys! Sometimes I’m still amazed that I have two boys.

@djmagicelf invited all my friends over to celebrate today 😂✨✨✨

On my birthday, Josh invited over all my friends. It was pretty low-key, the way that I wanted it. I only wanted two things: a nice dinner out and a wrapped present. I received both of those things.

If you are in the Seattle area and have the chance to try the garlic crab at Anthony’s, DO IT. Omg 💛

The garlic crab at Anthony’s was delicious–maybe not QUITE as delicious as it was when I was pregnant, but what is??? I had a hard time relaxing during the 2 hours I spent away from my children. Post-partum hormones are a helluva thing. Not to mention there was a baby at the table next to ours, a crying baby across the restaurant, AND a baby in the bathroom when I peed. Can’t escape motherhood.

Success! We got out of the house today! 📚

My mother and I and the two boys managed to successfully get out of the house and to the library! I was thoroughly impressed with us all!

This baby will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. This clothing is for 3-6 month olds. 🌈✨✨✨

The aqua-colored onesie and rainbow pants are for 6-month olds, and this photo was taken when he was not quite 7 weeks old. At his 2 month appointment, he weighed 12 pounds and 13 ounces, and is in the 60th percentile for weight.

Me and the boys at Brenna’s last weekend.

Currently I’ve lost a little over half the pregnancy weight I put on, which really hasn’t budged in the past month. Goo and I went back to the gym this week, but I overdid it and my back has been suffering ever since. GO SLOW, I need to remind myself.

Bear Cub’s tail is in full plumage right now 😍

Record rain this past week meant that Bear Cub went 5 days without a dogwalk, which was crappy for both of us. It’s still one of my favorite things to do. And she loves it!

My next portrait project. ✨✨✨

Some day this gorgeous picture of Rita will be turned into a glittery portrait by moi!

Saturday night. 💚

Sweet little Mr. Chunks.

The tree is up! 🎄

We managed to buy the tree, decorate it and Josh put up the outdoors Christmas lights all in one Sunday. Over-achieving this year!

🎼 Happy holidays…❤️💚❤️

I am typing this entry while Mr. Chunks naps, Goo is at daycare, Josh is at work, my mother is making dinner and my father is coughing up a lung downstairs. When he arrived yesterday he almost immediately started having cold symptoms. The House of Illness never stops! Ugh.

This red-haired dreamboat is 2 months old today. ❤️💛

What can I say about Mr. Chunks at 2 months old? He gets one sink bath a week, and doesn’t mind it a bit. He likes to nap just about anywhere except his bassinet. He smiles and goos and coos at me when I change his diaper. He loves breastmilk.

@djmagicelf bringing back the glitter beard for the holidays! ✨✨✨

Well, if he’s gonna have a beard at least he’s adding some sparkle, Neely!

Friday walkies with Bear Cub. I’m impressed that it’s mid-December and I don’t have to wear my winter coat yet. I’ll take  over ❄️any day.

Still haven’t broken out a winter coat yet, which is just fine because none of them fit me at this point. Wahhhhhhhhh.

These purple sneakers are my birthday present from Josh, because I’ve decided in 2020 I will: 1. Start running again and 2. Embrace the color purple. 🍇🍇🍇

THESE may come in handy in 2020. I requested new running sneakers. They are Hoka and were not cheap but I feel confident they will help me shake it around next year!

My moms idea to turn the living room table into a giant drawing pad using dollar store wrapping paper is a good one. 🎨

Here’s Goo expressing his creativity on a big piece of dollar store wrapping paper my mom taped to our coffee table. Smart!

My Top 9 for 2019: babies, art, gays, and Australia. Sounds about right. 💕💚✨✨✨

Evidently these were my most popular photos on IG this year: Australia, baby stuff, and the hippie dude. A colorful selection!

Success! 🎄🎅🎄

I hear Mr. Chunks waking up, so this seems like a good time to say goodbye. See you in 2020, blog!

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