March *Magic*

Yas sunshine, yaaaaaaas ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž

Hey blog, what’s up? I haven’t visited you in a while, it seems. I could have sworn that I blogged in February, but apparently that isn’t so.

@chelseahandler last night at the Paramount Theater with my Broad and @djmagicelf! It was a great show. I love that she brought her dogs onstage at the end. And then we had Dickโ€™s on the way home! Mmmmm.

What’s been happening? The Broad, Joshy and I all went out at the beginning of February to see Chelsea’s Handler’s current show, “Vaccinated and Horny”. It was a great show! I especially loved when she brought her dogs onstage at the end.

Back at it with @djmagicelf this morning. Ever since I had faux Covid a couple weeks ago Iโ€™ve been so tired! Or maybe itโ€™s the usual February doldrums I get every year. I need sun.๐Ÿ˜…

I quit my old gym because they weren’t following the mask mandate and re-joined my old old gym again, for half the price. I look skinny here but it ain’t so…I’ve gained about 6 pounds since November that don’t want to BUDGE.

February 6th, 2022 vs February 10th, 2019 (and pregnant with the little redhead). I love overalls! ๐Ÿ’™

I took some cute striped overalls pictures with my little redhead, just like I did with Goo when he was around the same age.

My mother, her two sisters and brother at the park on a beautiful crisp sunny day. ๐Ÿ’š

My uncle came up from California for a visit, and surprise! Brought both my aunts with him. It was a very pleasant weekend.

My beautiful red-haired aunt holding my sweet little redhead boy

My Aunt Lisa had never met either one of my children before! So cute to see two reds together.

Think Pink! I used โ€œCotton Candyโ€ by Punky. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

I dyed my hair pink–again! For Valentine’s Day. This time I used “Punky” hair color in “Cotton Candy”. It lasted slightly longer than the Lime Crime dye last year.

Things could be worse ๐Ÿ’˜

Unlike last year, it didn’t make me want to try alll the colors afterwards. Been there, done that.

Freshly listed in my Etsy shop! โ€œBe Here Nowโ€, acrylic paint, paint marker and glitter on poster board mounted on thin wood. 13.5 x 24 inches. 175$ and free shipping. Grooooovy, baby! โ˜ฎ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆโœจโœจโœจ

I finished my “Be Here Now” painting! This was one I started years ago, and abandoned because the lettering was giving me fits. The lettering still gave me fits, which is why I don’t do it very often.

Pink + green. Happy Friday! ๐Ÿ’

I always like it when the pink fades to this color, I would keep it right here for a while if I could. I’m still vaguely interested in a product I saw at Ulta that “washes in” different colors, to keep color steady. Maybe.

Todayโ€™s faceโ€”and the inspiration pic. Thanks @madlymazzy ๐ŸŒˆ

I re-created this fancy make-up look one day.

Very pleased with how my tie-dye turned out! Itโ€™s super bright and saturated. Much cuter than my previous projects, when I used RIT dye and it just looked muddy.

I did some tie-dying! In spite of my love for tie dye, I rarely ever do it. In fact I’d had a tie dye “kit” for years that Josh gave me. I finally went out and purchased some white clothes to dye for the boys and I, and I think they turned out cute!

Finished! Now I can return to painting.

My painting took a little detour while I worked on this puzzle from Fleeta for a week. It was HARD! I hadn’t done a puzzle in about a year.

Out to Peruvian dinner with my sweetie tonight.

Josh and I had veery fond memories of a food truck we ate at years ago called “Don Lucho’s”, which boasted the best Peruvian brisket sandwich we had ever eaten. Don Lucho’s is now a restaurant in Seattle, so Mom watched the boys while we went out to re-connect with the sandwich. FOILED AGAIN they stopped making it! Not only that but the food I ordered sucked. BOOOOOO.

Ta da! After 20+ years of deliberation I finally tattooed over the tattoo I got 20+ years ago. Love it! Thanks @ouchieink ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡

But the BIGGEST news of 2022 so far is that after over 20 years I finally decided on a tattoo! Grapes of course. What else could it be? I found the artist on IG–she had recently done a cool tattoo of a tomato plant that caught my eye. I think she did a fabulous job. I figured, if I was going to spend the rest of my life with a tattoo, why not a good one?

Ta ta blog! I’ve got about 4 books going right now and tea to drink.

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