Don’t be shy, just let your feelings roll on by

Hey-o! Happy Saturday!

Hieeeeee! I just noticed on the top of my Flickr that it said I joined in 2007. I started blogging in 2003. I joined Instagram in 2012, the same year I got my first Smartphone, and apparently Twitter too? I’ve been on Twitter for 10 years??! I don’t even like Twitter.

Hell has officially frozen over because my BFF, the original Crazy Cat Lady herself, got a puppy this week. She’s a half Bernese Mountain dog/half miniature poodle (!?!), and her name is Maisie. SHE IS SO SWEET.

The glaciers are melting and we’re all gonna burn to death in the future but hell most certainly DID freeze over in June 2022 because Corinne (and her new live-in boyfriend) got…a dog?

She paid 1600 dollars, in fact, for a “Bernadoodle”, that’s right–a Bernese Mountain dog mixed with a poodle. Uh huh. Times are strange.

I got a lash lift a couple weeks ago. I used a Groupon and paid 60$ for a 90$ service. It does give them a little oomph! Maybe if I start Latisse again I could get β€˜em up to my brows.

I paid 60$ for a 90$ “Lash Lift” last month, thanks to Groupon. I had sort of forgotten about Groupon’s existence until my cheap-ass boss told me she always gets her beauty services done with Groupon coupons. This is basically a perm for your eyelashes that lasts 6 weeks. I think if combined with Latisse it would be a lot more noticeable. Nothing natural will ever compare to those long eyelash extensions I used to pay to upkeep. Those were the days!

I got out of the shower this evening and Goo was in my nightgown, doing an impression of me. He was really bossy. He did it perfectly. πŸ’―

At age 5 my son has already perfected his impression of me. He puts on my long nightgown and loudly bosses everyone around.

These peach roses outside my work smell heavenly. Every day I want to clip one and bring it home. Maybe I should ask.

Some heavenly-smelling peach-colored roses I pass every morning as I walk into work. After working at my current job for over a year and half without any whisper of a raise or benefits, I asked for a raise and received one. Boo-ya!

I had a fun time dancing for a couple hours last night at the Supernova with my gal pal. They threw a β€œFruit Bowl” queer fashion show hosted by Mona Real, and I made myself a headdress with beaded grapes for the occasion. My sons would have loved the ball

Last month I made a headdress from an old embroidered wide headband and a cluster of beaded grapes (you can almost make it out in this picture) to attend the “Fruit Bowl”, a themed queer fashion show at a bar downtown with my co-worker. My co-worker, who is very quiet, reserved and always wears things like navy polo shirts and baggy black slacks (year-round) surprised me by drinking several ciders, taking hits from her weed vape, and shaking her ass off to house music until I left at 10 pm. Who knew?

I wore one of my “Eyes of the World” hippie dresses and completely flat Saltwater Sandals and my feet were quite achey the next day. Mama hadn’t danced at a club in a loooooong time!

All Good. πŸŒžπŸŒˆπŸ’¦

My little redhead will be 3 in a few months and he is having his full-on Terrible Twos. Between him and the heat yesterday (it was around 90 degrees; no air conditioning at work or at home) I was about to LOSE IT. Luckily my mother came over and I was able to escape for 24 minutes to do some arm exercises by myself upstairs. She’s been coming over a lot this week because our house is cooler than the townhouse she lives in.

New pool! πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

We even upgraded our tiny little plastic kiddie pool this year! This big boy beats the heat quite nicely.

Eeeeeaaaaasy πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Radically wet spring led into a pretty damn hot July. Everyone around here melts when the temperature gets over 85 degrees. You don’t know how good you have it, people out there with central air conditioning.

Grammy Kim snuggles a cold, wet little redhead. πŸ’–

I don’t think Grammy Kim has been in our pool. She did however impress everyone this past week at the family cabin by floating, canoeing, even jumping off the dock! Adventure Grammy!


Our cabin trip had been planned for the usual August, but when I confirmed with the Ballard P-Patch that I would be participating in their annual “Art in the Garden” show August 6th, we moved our trip to mid-July.

Summer is gonna be way better thanks to this glitter donut floatie oh yeah 🍩✨🍩✨🍩✨🍩✨🍩

This year I purchased myself a donut-shaped floatie with chunks of holographic silver glitter swirling around inside, because it was RIGHT, you know?

🎼 Happy 4th of July, Many Things are Terrible, Except my Family 🎼

We celebrated the 4th of July in a very low-key manner with some crappy little sparklers and pop-it’s Josh purchased from a fireworks stand.

Forest hike with the family. An abundance of banana slugs and mushrooms. πŸŒ²πŸ„πŸŒΏπŸŒ

Forest walkies! Amazing that even in early July we were still wearing sweatshirts in the forest.

Lunch break! I’m gonna eat some grilled cheese and be back to talk about going to the family cabin in July! Hooray!

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