Dairy Queen, Bea Arthur and more about the Beales.

Happy 4:20, blog-log-eroonies. I’m in the mood for takin’ it easy this morning, instead of posting 10 billion more photos from Maui that I’ve had to exhaustively edit (well, only the photos taken with the Canon A610–the new camera does all the work for me) (almost). ANYway what’s going on with us currently?

maggie watching a peanut buster parfait
The Boy mowing down a “Peanut Buster Parfait” from Dairy Queen while Maggie pays close attention.

maggie wants that peanut buster parfait
Sugar is delicious.

The Blizzard Fan Club that I belong to e-mailed me to say that “mini” Blizzards are only 1.99 for the month of April. Like I need even more of a reason to eat a Blizzard? Trouble with the mini is it’s gone in about 2 bites. You understand, I’m sure.

mommy and bear cub sittin' on the floor
Bear Cub looks at the camera!

We’re getting her professionally trimmed this spring, no question. No more dread natty dread now. Not that it isn’t “fun” to chase her around the yard with a pair of scissors.

Hey Bear Cub, ‘member when you were a puppy and you used to eat random piles of animal poop off the ground around the apartment complex? No? Well, MOMMY REMEMBERS.

maude's revenge
I’m thoroughly enjoying the first season of “Maude“, starring Bea Arthur in a dazzling array of hideous polyester two-piece outfits, often with bad scarves. Ma-aaa-an, 1972 was a terrible year for fashion.

I’ve been reading “Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up”, written by “Interview” magazine’s former editor Bob Colacello. It’s been far more enjoyable to read than I imagined it would (intelligently written and not nearly as bitter as I figured–so far).

I cackled with delight when Bob and Andy went to Grey Gardens and met Big Edie and Little Edie–this was before the big clean-up was complete, and before the Maysles shot the infamous documentary. I enjoyed the description of the Beales by Colacello so much I thought I’d share it. Enjoy!

get practical

“Little Edie Beale, about sixty years old, greeted us shyly. Her shaved head was wrapped in a brown silk scarf, which matched her brown turtleneck and brown skirt, brown stockings, and brown boots. She looked like an Islamic nun with an Irish drunk’s face–white skin, red nose, very red, off-register lipstick.

little edie is not schizo

She led us upstairs to meet her mother, Big Edie Beale, about eighty years old and not shy at all. Big Edie was propped up in her bed in her bedroom, which had not yet gotten that Radziwill touch. A tree branch extended into the room through an open window to the middle of Big Edie’s bed, and squirrels and raccoons climbed in to eat potato chips and pretzels. The bedcover was a trash heap of cracker boxes and candy wrappers, half-eaten tins of tuna fish and cat food, spilled milk, assorted other droppings, and piles of old “Confidentials” and new “Enquirers“, all with Jackie covers.

Big Edie looked like an old Indian chief, with a mane of untamed white hair shooting out from her once beautiful features, and her still bright blue eyes.

delicate women

“You’re wearing my scarf!” she screamed at Little Edie as we walked in. “Jackie gave that scarf to me! Take it off this minute!”

“No, she didn’t!” Little Edie screamed back. “She gave me all the brown Valentinos, and she gave you all the black Valentinos. This scarf is mine!”

“It’s black!’

“It’s brown!”

“It looks like black to me!”


To us, Big Edie was the picture of hospitality and charm, offering us snacks from her bed, which we politely declined.”

– “Holy Terror: Andy Warhol Close Up

9 thoughts on “Dairy Queen, Bea Arthur and more about the Beales.

  1. Tee hee! I miss the hell out of you guys too! All is well this end. I got a bundle of crochet magazines in the mail and promptly cancelled them, the patterns were HORRIBLE! Am reworking your hat, and sorry I went with the next size needle up, that way the pattern will be easier and I won’t have to deal with guesswork!

    How’s life treating you otherwise? xoxoxo

  2. thank you, la dicky. I’m also a member of the Crispin Glover Fan Club!

    Kissy–looking forward to the hat! 🙂 life is gooood.

    Sweden-Jackie O and her sister Lee organized the cleaning of Grey Gardens!!! Can you imagine? Jackie in a string of pearls and rubber gloves? ahahaa.

    The sequel, “The Beales of Grey Gardens”, is equally fantastic. Big Edie screams at Little Edie a lot more, and Little Edie wears a lot more costumes. Netflix!

  3. Once I said to Josh, “If you leave me I’ll end up living with my mother. It’ll be just like “Grey Gardens”!”

    “Yeah,” he snorted. “Without the fun.”

    (love you Mumsie)

  4. Thanks for the quote from the book – that was wonderful. I love Grey Gardens & The Beales of Grey Gardens… Sooooo good.

    All of the art that I’m doing right now is based on hoarders and hoarding… But I can’t post any pictures of it until my show in November 🙁 I’m a bit obsessed with obsessive people 😉

  5. i follow crispin on twitter, i want to marry him but he tends to date incredible beautiful women so i basically have no chance, also i obsessivly watch willard, and charlies angels and now alice, ohhh crispin…

  6. V–I’m obsessed with obsessive people too! Although I prefer creatively obsessed people. The hoarders I’ve seen on that program grossed me out–I don’t need to watch any more of THAT shit.

    Sw–don’t sell yourself short! He tours all the time–attend a show and throw yourself at him. And PLEASE take photos!

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