Maui Part 6: first snorkel trip and surfers galore

Ready for an outrageously huge photo dump? I know I am! We started Day 3 in Maui off with a trip down the coast to snorkel.

colorful joshy
Oof, look at that water. I didn’t even edit these beach photos–this is how it really looked.

jimi's along for the ride
I decided the Boy looks better in those blue, mirrored sunglasses than I ever did, and I told him so. He wisely brought his contacts along for the trip, and I brought along about 9 pairs of sunglasses (only a partial selection out of my obnoxious collection).

My neon green sunglasses just keep on giving me joy, ever since 2009.

heading out
Testing the water…

tie-dyed beachcomber

tie-dyed poser
I’ve had those neon orange tie-dyed board shorts forever, but they seemed most appropriate in Maui (along with various other spandex bits of clothing I would never wear around Seattle).

b and f preparing to snorkel
Fleeta with her snorkel mask on.

I don’t have any photos of the Boy and I with our snorkel gear on this day–right after I “tested” the water I took off my shorts, put on the snorkel gear and got right to it. I took scuba diving lessons as a teenager but this was my first snorkel experience–it was fantastic. We have some underwater snorkeling photos but I’ll save those for later.

beach torso
Post-snorkeling stretch. The grainy quality of this photo must mean it was taken with the Canon A610.

beachy scene

f and j emerge from snorkeling
The Boy and his mother coming in from snorkeling.

She had a little trouble getting in and out of the water with her fins on. I felt completely inhibited by my fins–I’m using to using my big ol’ feet for flippers–so after the first snorkeling excursion I didn’t wear them at all, and was much happier.

We returned to the hotel and I decided I hadn’t had enough sun that morning, so I headed down to the beach while everyone else stayed upstairs.

surf mom and kids
The Boy took some shots from the balcony, like this one of a surf Mom and her kids. Aw, I want to be part of a surfing family.

paddle surfer on his knees
The Dad of the surf family.

bikini surfer
Surfer in a neon pink bikini.

a little bird on the balcony
Perfect shot of a little bird on the balcony.

paparazzi-ish photo
He also snapped a few paparazzi-esque shots of me…

paparazzi is discovered...
…which I soon noticed.

peace on the beach
And then of course posed for. Flashing a peace sign wearing a peace sign tie-dyed bikini…whatta dirty hippie.

view from the hotel balcony
You can see me sitting by myself near the center of the photo. The guy on the white chair nearest my right was disgusting–he had a creepy pedophile mustache and when I glanced over at him accidentally he was wagging his tongue at me in a very lewd manner. Ew.

After “relaxing” for about 2 minutes (A.D.D. was high), I donned my neon flowered bathing cap and hit the water.

there she goes

neon flowered bathing cap in the Maui ocean

I could float all day.

can't be topped
That bathing cap was a damn good purchase.

“I used to have a bathing cap like that, with pink flowers!” Fleeta told me.

“Aw, you should have kept it!” I said.

She laughed. “I never thought they would come back!”

enjoying the ocean
Surf family and me. Hey, is that an abandoned board?

father and son on the balcony
The Boy and his father on the balcony, from the beach. His father is holding the book he read on the trip (appropriately titled “Hawaii”); the Boy is holding the new camera.

While I sweated on the beach and ignored the filthy advances of a creep and did a little swimming, everyone else rested, so when I came back upstairs they were ready to go out again and I was exhausted. I experienced 10 minutes of crankiness on the road to a surf spot (the only time I was cranky in Maui). Once we reached the surf spot, I got over it.

j waits for a wave
The Boy on his surfboard, waiting for a wave. I didn’t surf that day–I was completely worn out from snorkeling and swimming.

no wave in sight
Surfing involves a lot of waiting. This can be frustrating for the photographer–I’d finally give up  and put the camera away and that was always right when he would catch a wave.

a rocky area
Plenty of other surfers out that day.

nice surfboard butt
Nice butt!

nice frothy wave
The Boy helpfully wore a light-blue Underarmour shirt, so I could spot him easier. The glorious zoom function on the new camera also helped immensely.

popular spot
Surfing with paddles is really popular in Maui, we discovered.

j flat on the board

dude in white catches a wave
What kind of maniac would wear a white sports jersey to surf in?

view down the coast
Lovely view.

surfer girl

cruise ship in the distance
Still waiting…

joshy getting up
Hey! He’s getting up!

joshy catches a wave
Ah HA! He caught one!

leaning palm

I spotted a Golden Retriever with the happiest doggy expression ever, and went over to say hi. An elderly couple nearby explained that the dog belonged to their daughter-in-law, and she was about to take him surfing! A real Surf Dog! I was so excited.

surf dog getting ready
There they go! Not only was Surf Dog friendly, but his owner was too. After they came back to shore I gushed all over her and told her how much I enjoyed the show. She was very sweet.

surf dog
Like me, she had blond hair, a brightly-colored bikini and we were even wearing necklaces with the same white swirl shell for a pendant. Wooo-oooh-oooooh.

“My next dog is going to be a Golden Retriever,” I announced to the Boy’s parents while taking 10,000 photos of Surf Dog.

j comes in while surf dog goes out
The Boy heads in for a short break while Surf Dog heads out.

surf dog surfing
Yay Surf Dog!

b and f doing their best tourist impressions
The Boy’s parents doing their best tourist impressions.


j heading out again
The Boy heading out a second time. I was totally burnt out from taking photos of him by this time, so I…didn’t.

fleeta watching josh
I let my mother-in-law take over instead.

Today is the Boy’s birf-day! I bought him a pair of black Doc Martens, as he’s been jealous over mine ever since I bought them. He told me he used to have Doc Martens but he “lost” them. “Losing” shoes is a foreign concept to me. So is giving them away!

We’re going out to Italian dinner and a movie later this evening. I think it’s going to be “Arthur”, unless he changes his mind. He really enjoyed that “Water for Elephants” book but I told him there was NO WAY I was gonna sit through the movie starring that awful Mormon vampire geek and Reese Boringspoon, even if it IS his birthday. Looooooooove!

4 thoughts on “Maui Part 6: first snorkel trip and surfers galore

  1. Phew! Hat done, one down and a thousand more to go!! 🙂

    Fabulous day today, just in an upbeat mood and was thinking of you. I had to come over and see Lola because Lily really has been in a funk since we left your place, she really misses the girls!

    Talk soon! xoxo

  2. you mean MY hat? or another one for you? 😉

    guess I better start crackin’ on that painting, just as soon as I finish making pillowcases for the Laaaaaaadies.

    It’s sunny here! Yayyyy!

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