Camping–the end.

The end of the photos from last weekend, that is. We decided at some point that we want to camp every weekend for the rest of the month…although the weather forecast for the spot we talked about camping at this weekend says high of 65. Merrrrrrr.

oh yeah, nature
My husband suggested I point my knee towards the shore and point my arm back. The open-mouthed idiotic expression…that’s allll meeeee.

I had considered posting my nude pictures with Smokey the Bear’s head pasted over my naughty parts…but in the interest of my Future Literary Career I decided not to post them at all.

At any rate this guy is fine with that decision. In terms of what I display on the Internet, he’d prefer if I was a Never Nude.

avoiding cold feet
Brilliant. I can dunk my greasy camping hair into the ice-cold river (thereby achieving wet, cold greasy hair) without freezing my feet into ice cubes. Next on my shopping list: neon thigh-high waders! And excuse me, don’t they make wetsuits in any color besides BLACK?

Hopefully this weekend we won’t have to camp under noisy power lines.

down by the river
At any given time the Boy has one/more aching body parts, and last weekend it was his feet, so he soaked them. For an alarmingly long time. In freezing cold water. Ugh.

reading river
Then again, this is a dude who has been known to take ice baths after running, so…he’s just very different from me. Currently, I’m wearing a fleece jacket inside my house, in August. Barf.

schnubs on the shore
Speaking of dogs, how about this story on Jezebel about a dog that helps children testify in court about sexual abuse? You don’t see fuckin’ cats doing that, do you, Corinne? (she’s acquired a cat named Novocaine and is infatuated with it)

You know, I like Jezebel, but I would never sign up to comment over there. Those women are RUTHLESS. God forbid you mention anything having to do with weight, they start sending out those little “trollalert” hashtags like they’re going out of style. I would likely be booted off promptly due to my sense of humor, which many of the commentors seem to be lacking.

having a soak
Rain/sun/snow and there is STILL playa dust on that chair. Amazing.

good morning
Yyyeah! The weather has been cold and crappy all week, but now…it appears…could it be true? Is that sun out there? Excuse me, I have to go investigate. It could all be over in a matter of minutes.

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