September camping, part 5: sunset and sunrise

sunset on the river
The camping weekend provided a great opportunity for me to mess around with the 10 zillion camera settings the Canon SX20 is capable of.

ground cubby
I still don’t like the look of the camera flash 95% of the time, but sometimes it’s necessary. Otherwise my photos are too dark and blurry, and I have to put so much work into editing them.

purple river sunset
I suppose the goal is to become a decent enough photographer that I won’t have to do any editing after I take the photo. That would be wonderful!

schnubbs and sunset
It’s a slow progression. I’m overly critical, but at least when I look at photos I took a couple of years ago, I can tell there’s some improvement.

hallo moon
Progress, not perfection, as the old familiar saying goes.

The following photos were all taken by the Boy the second day that we camped, in the morning before I woke up:
morning mist
Speaking of slow progression, I’m happy to say I’m finally achieving the goals I set for myself back on August 1st, which were…
1. More movement!
2. Less sugar!
3. Find a job!
4. Trim down Internet consumption

sunrise on the rocks
They kind of all go together. More movement = less desire to eat garbage = less time on the computer = more desire to be social = increased interest in going back to my “real” job = submitting a job application (finally).

colorful morning landscape
Ironically, my lack of interest in the Internet happened at the exact time I kicked off “Glitter for All”, which happened right after this camping trip.

sunshine through the trees
Spending time in nature made me truly happy, and in comparison, spending hours on the Internet makes me…kind of tense.

It’s all about finding a balance.

flying low
Our current project of re-arranging the house is helping my state of mind. Now the computer is tucked away in the Creativity Room, instead of placed prominently on the kitchen table. Last night we ate dinner at the kitchen table like grown-ups. No movies on. No books, no magazines, no distractions. Just us and some stir fry.

sun dappled river
It was really nice.

a pair of tongues
Yesterday morning Corinne called me in a panic–she had gotten off on the wrong bus stop and was freaked out that she would be late for her first day of school.

river rocks
I would have checked bus routes for her online, but my power suddenly went out, due to the stormy weather. We had a good laugh over the absurdity of the situation.

dogs on river rocks
By the time the power came back on, Corinne had found the bus stop she was looking for.

Bear Cub guide
I’m looking forward to hearing about her first week of school.

Mmmm…I can almost smell the pine, looking at these photos.

campground view from above
Our little tent, viewed from above.

a tent and some dogs

Stay tuned for the final installment of the September camping photos: The Mystery of the Giant Fish!

2 thoughts on “September camping, part 5: sunset and sunrise

  1. “winter camping” you say? shudder.
    regarding the lip tattoos…OOH! OOH! now if only I had big old plump beestung lips, I’d be all over that shit. do they come in…glitter? 😉

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