Geography lessons, “Adbusters”, and Madonna’s Superbowl performance

new fence
Our landlord is constructing a new fence in between our house and our neighbors. Plus side: now when the dogs start howling and barking non-stop at the living room window, I’ll know it’s because someone’s in our yard. Negative side: no more voyeurism! Boo hoo!

We went to the “Hobby Lobby” where the Boy had purchased this fun sunburst clock for me for Christmas. I was a little too sick to enjoy myself properly (the whole store was filled with display stands smothered in fake grapes, and Healthy Liz would have been ALL OVER that shit with the camera). However…! I had been wanting a globe for-e-ver. The dream globe would have had an antique finish and been in a fancy stand, but this one was only 24 bucks and perfect for my needs, which are: relearning geography. Ever since I quit playing the computer game “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” my knowledge has been fading fast. The Boy and I are learning together! Learning is fun!

are we happy yet
The 100th issue of “Adbusters”, our much-beloved magazine, has a very eye-catching cover, eh?

emotional breakthrough
I liked this too.

man on a rock
Although I’ve been sick, the Seattle weather has been crying GET OUTSIDE, EVERYONE! by being beautiful and sunny with blue skies, so I’ve made it to the dog park for a short amount of time every day. The Boy took the dogs for a jog, which I declined. Not that I don’t want to, just this damn ear infection.

overalls, a fake rock and glorious Seattle sunshine
But the sunshine, ohhhh the sunshine. So necessary. So niiiice! Thank you, spf 45!

I just realized that the manure smell I keep catching whiffs of is not emanating from the bottoms of my shoes, but rather from the filthy animals I just took to the park. Gross. I’m thinking I’ll wait until the Boy returns from his mountain biking trip today so we can tag-team wash them…it’s a big, wet, fur-flying job.

Also: Madonna’s Superbowl performance yesterday!…! I attempted to take a picture or two of the television but then had to stop and just enjoy. She came out a’la Liz Taylor in “Cleopatra”! Back-up by Nicki Minaj (who I immediately became obsessed with (her goofy faces remind me of Nina Hagen) and now want to paint), and MIA. By the time Madonna started up “Like a Prayer” and Cee Lo from Gnarls Barkley appeared, well…the tears were flowing! That’s right, I sobbed during Madonna’s Superbowl performance and I’m not sorry! It was so good. The Boy said he had “a little water” in his eyes. Dear Madonna: my love for you will never die.

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