white fingers, sewing inspiration and a bob

Raynaud's sucks
Welp, here it is: that pesky Raynaud’s I’m always blathering about. Note the bone-white center finger. “Gross,” remarked the Boy when he saw this photo. Eh, could be worse. I spent some time this winter obsessively researching warming gloves and eventually gave up. Anyway, isn’t it almost spring? (noting the snow outside…) Errr.

watching Project Runway on a sunny afternoon
Getting pumped to do some pettipants sewing by watching Season 5 of “Project Runway”. Watching it again makes me nostalgic for that special summer of ’09 that I spent watching the first four seasons and frantically sewing costumes for Burning Man in our sweltering hot 2nd floor apartment. Mmmmm, sweltering hoooooot. I love re-reading the blog entries from summer 2009. Inspiration was high!

The Boy napping after his avalanche class, which apparently did not involve classroom instruction like the first one but actual tromping-around-in-deep-snow, simulating rescue for a couple of hours. It wore him out.

Maggie in the afternoon
He’s getting cavities filled this morning. I suggested that he take the day off and work Saturday instead so we can cross country ski in the backyard again, but he thinks the snow is going to melt before we get the chance.

starting the diptych
I started the diptych last month. I was planning on completing it for the art show I was asked to do this Thursday, but last month after the weeks-long ear infection/starting the pettipants store/starting a job/meh/mer I canceled the show. They were cool about it–said I could do the show any time I wanted, and I wouldn’t have to sell any tickets either, which is great.

tie dyed pettipants
The gorgeous tie-dyed pettipants that I was super excited about until I discovered that particular fabric frays like a mofo. I consulted my sister-in-law yesterday after babysitting Ronia and she had some sewing suggestions for me, phew. French seams? Am I ready for French seams? I’m scared!

serging in the sunlight
After babysitting yesterday I stopped at Corinne’s house. I was beginning to have to borderline harass her in order to talk to her, and I don’t like doing that.

selecting lace
She recently had her hair cut into a bob. I suggested she get bangs cut. She told me the hairdresser said she had a cowlick and advised her not to do it–I told her they’ve been telling me that for years and it’s never stopped me from getting bangs (sometimes they look stupid, though). Dump some product on there and make it work.

I would have taken photos of her new bob but she had just woken up, was grumpy and currently has a cold, which she (hilariously) insists she got from her cat.

“And then all he did was lay around for three days and got over it–asshole,” she grumbled.

“Of course he laid around for three days,” I laughed at her. “He’s a cat!” I’m telling you, the entertainment never stops with my Broad!

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