my big fat Easter post

Ready for a giant Easter photo dump? Let’s go!

chocolate Passover cookies
In the grand tradition of celebrating-Jewish-holidays-without-being-Jewish, I made these delicious chocolate Passover cookies. Although it’s embarrassing where I got the recipe from, they turned out amazing and were a big hit!

Easter morning
Easter morning. We went to an 8:30 (a.m.) church service–something we had never done before. It was a lot less crowded! We attend a non-denomination, youth-oriented “hip” church, so it makes sense that the later services are more popular.

Easter morning outfit
I wore a dress I had made for Burning Man 2004. I was chunkier then, so it’s amazing it fits. Ah, the beauty of stretch fabrics! I could make it shorter and tighter, but not every article of clothing needs to fit like a sausage skin, yes? Yes.

We took the rogs for a run on the Burke-Gilman trail (the camera is far too heavy to take along for runs), stopped for a Jamba juice, and then I did my hair and make-up all over again for Easter dinner at the Boy’s grandparents house.

fancy driver
The glitter sunglasses were necessary. The weather yesterday was incredible–it was something like 70 degrees when we drove to Bellevue around 4 o’clock.

Easter nails
Easter nails! It’s been a year since I discovered those Sally Hansen nail stickers, and I’m still impressed. They just keep introducing more and more patterns and colors! My only complaint is sometimes they stay on a little too well–it took me almost an hour to remove them last time. Perhaps I need to soak them next time, who can say.

table one
Table number one (nice camera angle, Liz–groan)…

table two
…and table number two. The hollow chocolate Easter eggs were a nice touch. We stopped for gas on the way over and I had to buy myself a Cadbury egg at the gas station–my personal Easter tradition. Mmmm, chemicaaaaaals.

Chris's Easter suit
Chris’s Easter outfit.

sandbox kids
I think Ronia and I were the best-dressed, personally. Brenna made her little Easter dress, of course.

Tori shows off her manicure
I gave Tori the plastic bunny ring (which matched her outfit perfectly) and she proudly showed me her glittery fingernails.

all eyes on Ronia
Note Ronia’s plastic high heels, purchased during the family trip to Disneyland earlier this year. She was obsessed with the princesses.

L and J
It was a beautiful afternoon!

the egg hunt begins
Perfect for an Easter egg hunt.

Ronia on the prowl
All the adults had their cameras out.

Mike supervises
Well, most of the adults.

swan sweater
I’m crazy about Brenna’s swan sweater. “I don’t know what your turnover rate is,” I told her, “But if you ever think about getting rid of that sweater…you can give it to me!”

sunny egg hunt

Ronia has success

Tori finds some bubbles

Ronia drives
Ronia goes for a spin.

Josh and Elliot
The Boy wrestling with Elliot…

Josh takes a tumble
…and showing off.

Elliot rides a swan
Elliot takes a plastic swan for a ride around the yard. He was singing the entire time.

Brenna wears Ronia's headpiece
Ronia refused to wear her fancy headpiece, so Brenna tried it on.

obstinence never looked so cute
Obstinence never looked so cute!

Easter dinner outfit
All in all, it was a wonderful Easter!

Easter evening
I think I need another haircut. Happy Monday, blog-logs!

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