For the love of San Francisco: Part 1

Hello little blogger-loggers, we are back from our faaaaaaabulous trip to San Francisco! 644 photos total, so expect a lot of photos for the next ___ days about our trip. Let’s begin!

rainbow shimmer peacock nails
Well er, what photo set would be complete without a shot of my current nailpolish situation?

We left last Friday, late afternoon after the Boy got off work. We stayed in Eugene overnight, near the University of Oregon, which was my absolute favorite college that I stayed at in high school during debate trips. It’s quaint, beautiful and hippies are everywhere.

balancing act
The next morning we waddled around the campus a little–the Boy got to see the world-famous Hayward Field, so he was happy.

mint chocolate chip fire hydrant
I got to see a fire hydrant painted like a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone, so I was happy.

happy driver
We had a fantastic breakfast, and then it was back on the road!

happy passenger
I’m happy to report that thanks to the seasickness prevention wristbands I now wear on car trips, I no longer have to drug away my motion sickness with various drugs. Drug free! Also: playing Angry Birds in the car helps make the time fly by.

yellow hills
Some parts of the trip weren’t the most “scenic”…

finally palm trees
…but once we started seeing palm trees, I was stoked! Oh alright California YES I MISSED YOU. I loved this trip. I know that as long as I’m married to the Boy (i.e: forever) I’ll be living in Seattle but let me just say this: I would be VERY HAPPY living in San Francisco. Really. It felt very natural. Of course, I said the same thing about Maui.

We saw lots of playa dust smothered cars returning from Burning Man last week, which makes sense, since tons of Burners are from San Francisco. Each dusty car made me feel excited and a little bit jealous.

We went over a lot of bridges, but didn’t go across the Golden Gate Bridge until we were leaving. In the car, that is. My husband the maniac woke up one morning and ran across the GG Bridge. He said it was amazing.


the Marina Inn
Our first night we stayed in the lovely Marina Inn in San Leandro with a number of members of my family, including my glowing, pregnant and happy cousin Erika.

Joshy at the marina
It was definitely the nicest hotel we stayed in all week. We changed clothes and went outside to the marina to take photos of the sunset.

marina Liz
My summery outfit was cute, but not especially appropriate. It was cooooold.

sunset on the marina
But so pretty!

a windy walk
We walked around for a bit and met up with my family by the pool later on that evening for an hour or so of chatting before hitting the sack.

sunset over the water

orange sunset
What a gorgeous evening.

sunset and shadows
Nice shot, Joshy!

happy faces
Off to a good start!

Stay tuned for part 2: hooping! The wedding! And drunken shenanigans!

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