Halloween, Schmalloween (part 1)

spiderwebs on the mantle
Dudes, I am so over Halloween. This happens every year–we spend weeks decorating and cleaning, have our party, and then we are sick of hearing about Halloween 2-3 days before it actually happens.

Van Gogh with crows
I’m posting the decorating shots today and tomorrow I’ll post the shots of the actual party time. Although there aren’t very many!

cobweb extravagaaaanza
Luckily (for me) there are 42829252 shots of me in my Peg Bundy costume, which worked out fabulously. Most comfortable costume ever, and the Boy looked far too cute to be Al Bundy. But more about that later!

dead roses and fake fruit
It was his idea to set up our crusty old back patio table (what was formerly our kitchen table) with the dead roses and fake fruit bowl. Atmosphere! Not that we have any party guests that smoke, anymore. Who still smokes? Weird.

decorations in the living room
I like to keep the decorations up for a little while after Halloween, out of laziness fun.

decorations on the bookcase
Couple of things we learned this year:
– don’t save all your cleaning for the day of the party
– don’t use evite to send out invitations, because it crashes and sucks, and
– consider, in the future, a Halloween “brunch” instead of a late night party.

Know what happens when you get old? All of your friends have kids, and also: all of your friends are old. They’re in bed by 10! We’re going to have to consider these things next year, for the party to go on. And go on it MUST.

Joshy setting up the graveyard
Here’s the Boy setting up the graveyard in our moss-riddled front yard.

sometimes they come back...
Maggie’s been enjoying peeing in the front yard lately–the grass never grows very long because it’s 90% moss. Apparently labs don’t like to walk in long, wet grass. Or, Maggie’s just a freak. Is this news?

devils foodcake cupcakes with sugar skulls
We took a break from Fatkins (still going strong) to indulge the night of the party. I made faaaaabulous Devil’s food cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and adorable sugar skulls. I wasn’t aware of just how damn delicious Devil’s food cake was, and now I wish I didn’t know.

Seattle must be having sympathy Hurricane Sandy pains, because it’s been raining like crazy all day long, and yesterday was windy and weird. I’m just glad to be home safe from an agonizingly long trek on the freeway today to and from work. Dogs and Netflix, let’s go!

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