Indian food and prezzies

Liz and Brenna
Last Saturday, out to Indian dinner with the Boy’s family. This is a nice picture of Brenna and I. One of these years I’m going to collect all the photos I’ve taken of her children, print them out, put them in a photo album and give them to her.

J and E
I’d also really like to do the same for our Maui photos, and have MAUI IS MAGIC printed on the cover of the album in big, gold letters. I told the Boy my idea this morning, as he was brushing his teeth, and he added, “Or, MAUI: NO DRUGS NEEDED“. Indeed!

Joshy is cute
Since he is being forced to work today, he asked for an extra day off next week, any day, but instead of that they gave him a “short” day today. Meaning 4 treatments and 3 evals instead of the 11-12 treatments he’s been doing daily. Trust me, 11-12 patients per day is a LOT, and this has been going on for weeks. I really have to admire his stromph–he never whines about it. On the whole, he is way less whiny than his wife.

sweet Ronia
I mean, thank goodness, right? Or I wouldn’t have married him!

mother and daughter
Ohhhh little Ronia, you are so divinely cute. Siiiiiiiigh.

Dinner was delicious, as always. It’s awfully convenient to have an amazing Indian restaurant so close to our house to show off to guests when they come into town.

R and E open presents
Back at our place, it was early Christmas present opening time! I bought Elliot an Old Skool robot punching game, which he was stoked about…

Ronia unwraps Barbie
…and for Ronia, a mermaid Barbie with a glitter tail and color-changing hair when you immerse her in water.

“Did you get one for yourself?” my in-laws teased me. NO! I may dress like a 3-year-old, but the similarity ends there!

petticoat power!
Speaking of which. Heh. I took Ronia into the back room (book room? fabric room?) to offer her a tiara, but she grabbed one of the tiny Bibles on the Boy’s religion bookshelf instead. Maw.

Joshy unwraps his whippets ski poles
The Boy got these fancy-schmancy ski poles/ice axes called “whippets” (not to be confused with one of his favorite hobbies). Evidently these suckers are expensive, because they were his birthday present too (his birthday’s in April).

L and E on luggage
I got some faaaabulous luggage, with teal hibiscus flowers, very me. Very Maui! This was an excellent gift, because other than a hot pink bag from L.L. Bean that my mother gave me that holds only enough for a weekend trip and some hideous, powder-blue leather luggage that belonged to my grandmother, I had no luggage for long trips.

“They must really love me!” I told my parents when I showed them the luggage.

“Or they want to get rid of you!” snickered my dad. Ohhhh, that Baker sense of humor! Kinda mean. Just a little mean.

floral luggage
Ronia wanted to be packed away inside the luggage, so I obliged. Didn’t zip her in though, like she requested. What if her hair got stuck? Or, heaven forbid, that petticoat? There are a couple of videos floating around of this event; I’ll decide if I want to upload them or not. Laaaazy.

Today’s goal is to figure out my next painting. Even though it’s not yet 2013, my 2013 goal is less Internet/whining, more painting/being nice. Achievable, yes?

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