a white Christmas

snowy mountains
Blogging on a Sunday? Who blogs on a Sunday? I DO. The Boy is off skiing this morning with his crazy uncle and brand-new helmet-mounted video camera (uh huh) so what better time to launch the Christmas in Boise photos?

Pops takes it easy
Pops dressed up for church. We arrived into town the day before Christmas, got freshened up, and drove over to my parents’ church for the “Candlelight” service, in which my father was participating as an usher. I like my parents’ church. It’s non-denominational, my preference, and the pastor is an old hippie who inserts plenty of (sometimes inappropriate) personal information about himself into his sermons, which I appreciate. He keeps it real. I like a relaxed church atmosphere where they keep it real–I experience less “going to church” anxiety, which I’ve had to battle over the years (lame).

the decorated tree
The Boy and I decorated the tree. In years past, this was always the job of my brother and I, but he’s in Scotland this Christmas, which definitely feels weird. My father’s been out of work this past month, and all of my mother’s income is going to support my brother in Scotland, so this was, financially, a stressful Christmas for them.

sleepy Sally
I told them not to worry about getting the Boy and I Christmas presents. We already bought our Christmas present this year, anyway–a new computer tower, which was badly needed. We brought presents for them–books, gift cards, Calyx perfume for my mother (one of my her/my favorites), and I made them throw pillows. Oh crap, I just realized I forgot to take pictures of the finished pillows. I hate it when I do that!

Santa and Ralphie
I had to watch the scene in “A Christmas Story” where Santa boots Ralphie down the slide, my personal tradition. My father hates this movie, for some reason. He paid me back by putting on Bill O’Reilly later on (UGH).

Sally is a weirdo
Sally is a weirdo. She had a little stroke earlier this year, but has recovered from it. She happily went on walkies with us around the block, in the snow. Yes, snow! We had a white Christmas. I didn’t mind because I brought layers of clothing, two pairs of gloves, my down jacket and my snow boots, all necessary.

Joshy and the girls go running
The Boy taking the girls on a run Christmas morning, before the snow hit.

dressed up for Christmas dinner
I requested that everyone dress up for Christmas dinner. I changed back into the sweatpants I wore during 90% of the trip immediately afterwards, but for about a half an hour it was class, baby!

Liz and Josh by the tree
My ass is not as large as it appears, here. No really. That dress is a size 10–I bought it last summer when the Boy and I were chunkier for my cousin’s wedding, and now it’s too large. Feels great, though–it’s silk, J. Crew, I bought it off ebay and it arrived with grease stains. I informed the seller that now I couldn’t wear it to a wedding, and she refunded my money. I can’t bring myself to throw it out, though–the color is excellent, and maybe some day I’ll get it dry cleaned.

Mom and Dad
Mumsie and Daddums dressed up. Note their choice of footwear–Uggs and flip flops! They’re just Californians at heart, let’s face it. Nothing wrong with that–so am I. My bikini drawer speaks for itself.

Dad and Mom
You gotta hand it to Mom–she was diagnosed at the doctor’s office that week with acute sinisitus, but still worked, and still made a fabulous Christmas dinner for us. Lemon cream chicken, and her amazing twice-baked potatoes (featuring sour cream and cream cheese). Mmmmm.

a crowd of lasagna watchers
Lasagna crowd. My father made his infamous lasagna with 6 pounds of cheese and I had it at least 3 times during the trip. He makes it slightly different every time, and it’s always delicious.

labs ready for walkies
Labs! My father wants a chocolate lab next. I support him in this decision. Labs 4 Life!

rogs in the snow
Taking the rogs out in the snow, our last evening there. The Boy only got 4 days off for Christmas break this year, which is a bummer. He did, however, get paid for those 4 days off, so I suppose that’s good. I wanted to stay longer.

snow dappled foliage
I didn’t mind the snow too much. I suppose that’s because 1. I was dressed for it, finally and 2. I knew we wouldn’t be coming home to snow. And I was right! Good old Seattle “winters”–rain rain rain rain.

Maggie doesn't like hats
Maggie doesn’t tolerate hats. Or wigs, for that matter.

Liz and Schnub
Have you hugged a Schnub today?

Joshy smiles
We watched a lot of movies with Pops. It was a very relaxing week. I can lay on the couch at my parents’ house and just watch movies without feeling like I need to multitask like a maniac like I do at home.

Josh and Sally
Sally love. In her old age she’s relaxed a lot–she no longer snarls at me when I pet her for too long, and she barely barked when my father pet Maggie. At one point my mother sat on my father’s lap (I took a picture but it wasn’t flattering), and Sally didn’t do a thing! Back in the day that behavior would have caused non-stop jealous barking. Ah, elderly animals!

Maggie and Bear Cub in the car
Back in the car again! It was a very enjoyable ride home, thanks to the roads being mostly dry, a lot of good new/old music to listen to (Pixies, Violent Femmes, Tame Impala, De La Soul, Nirvana unplugged), and my ability to now read in the car without getting sick, thanks to “Sea-Bands”. Those Sea-Bands really work! I powered through a Mel Brooks biography without so much as a hint of car sickness. I wish I had discovered those suckers years ago.

view on the drive home
View on the drive home. The sunny skies certainly perked up my serotonin levels, that’s for sure. The four of us had a very relaxing, enjoyable Christmas together, although my brother was certainly missed. I hear he had haggis pizza and haggis nachos recently–this coming from a kid who used to freak out if his food touched! How the tables have turned!

I started a new painting yesterday of Candy Darling, inspired by the library book I’m currently reading, “Popism”. I already had a canvas painted aqua and it seemed like a good place to start! I’m excited. I love it when I have a painting going.

2 thoughts on “a white Christmas

  1. Just SO much frigging FABULOUSNESS!
    I’m exhausted, in the best possible way, after finally catching up on all your splendid times………XXX

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