Around and round you’re turning me

upside down, boy you turn me
Upside down, boy you turn me
Inside out, and round and round…

the Christmas tree, outside
I told him to get rid of the Christmas tree, and he get this far with it. Eventually the tree will get chopped up into firewood, although we rarely use our fireplace because there’s usually a couch in front of it.

Mumsie on her wedding day
My beautiful mother on her wedding day, with my aunt standing next to her. Her hair was so long! My mom was a babe. I brought home a pile of old photographs and will be sprinkling them into my blog entries, for fun.

sad little Bear Cub
AWWWWWW. Her rash is getting better. Less oozy, more crusty. She woke me up around 2-ish this morning, whimpering–it took me an hour and a half (and half a Xanax) to fall back asleep, so when the whimpering started again at 5 I woke the Boy up to take her outside, which he did. I have to admit, one of my biggest concerns about when we finally get around to having a kid is lack of sleep the first year–but I know the Boy will help me out in that department. He’s a good egg.

comforting Schnub
Here we are on Friday, the first night of the cone. Every time I would take it off for her to eat/drink she’d gnaw on her leg or roll around on the wet grass or claw at her ear like a maniac, so I’d have to put it right back on. I took the cone off this morning, though, and so far she seems pretty mellow about it. Maybe she’s almost completely healed! That would be niiiiice. Sad dog = sad owner.

dog silhouettes
The dog silhouettes again. I wanted to photograph them as much as possible before I add the varnish on top–reflective surfaces do not photograph well, especially with flash.

Candy Darling dark
Candy Darling in the dark. I’m thinking this one might be close to posting on Etsy–it needs a splash of glitter first, though. On her eyelids!

Just got off the phone with the Broad–she has a new work schedule that starts at 4 a.m. so she’s off work incredibly early in the morning. She sounded perky. “The coffee’s still circulating through my system,” she explained. She just bought herself a new laptop so she can watch Netflix and game all from the comfort of her bed–with Novocaine by her side. Heaven! She also hates Windows 8 as much as I do, and I do, truly. What about you, blog reader? Do you hate Windows 8? Enjoy bed blogging? Miss the warmth of summer? I miss the warmth of comments.

7 thoughts on “Around and round you’re turning me

  1. Well here let me help in the warmth department 🙂 Your Mom and you are both total foxes! Glad to hear your sweet doggie is getting better, plenty of love from Mom and Dad help loads! Candy Darling is stunning, I wonder what she is thinking about or who she is gazing at that way, you are very talented girl. NICE WORK. Windows 8? I have an iMac but when working with my VM ware I only use Windows XP, how old school am I? Blogging in bed never, reading blogs in bed yum! I miss seeing the sun, but I am really enjoying leggings and faux fur so I think I’m good for a while more 🙂
    Take care rainbow space loving glitter girl 🙂

    1. “Foxes” made me think of “two wild and crazy guys”, awwriiiite! Thanks for the painting compliments, they make me happy. I only know about windows 8 because we just got a new computer! Leggings + faux fur = YES. Whenever I watch “Will & Grace” Karen always makes me want to drape myself in faux fur. Never gets old!

  2. I love Candy Darling, she is in competition with my Girl with the Yellow Hat! Wish I could have her come and join her, but alas not possible at this time. I too have a Mac Book but love to watch Netflix foreign films, read blogs, etc in bed or on my red sofa! If you don’t mind me asking, what is your “vocation”? You mention working on and off, patients, and I was just wondering as I am an RN of many years myself? As always your enthusiasm and “effervescene” shines through with your posts and makes me feel better no matter how badly the day maybe be going :)….on that subject hope your girl is better real soon too!

    1. I don’t talk about my “real” job often on this blog, but I’m a speech therapist. 🙂 I got my Master’s degree in speech-language pathology. I love it, but I love it the most when I don’t have to do it full time. Josh is an occupational therapist; we met at work!

      Thanks for the painting compliments–I’m pretty happy with Candy Darling too!

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