Throw-up Thursday

don't try this at home
2010: don’t eat paint chips, friends.

I went back to the Naturopathic Center and they gave me the results of my food sensitivity test: I don’t really have any, which apparently, is “unusual”. That’s me! A little sensitive to eggs, tofu, and spelt, but that’s it. Typical. I also did a hair test and unfortunately I’m deficient in a bunch of minerals–guess those gummy multivitamins I take every day aren’t worth a damn! LIVE AND LEARN.

I also received a callback from my doctor–I told her about the searing pain during ovulation after taking Clomid and she seems to think that it was caused by cysts, that the Clomid creates and then bursts. Uh huh. Nowhere was this mentioned in the pamphlet under possible side effects! Good Lord. I’m having an ultrasound next week to determine whether or not I have/had cysts. Good Times!

I am still jobless, currently, but I am determined to start a new painting. I’ve been going through a painting dry spell for long enough! I took Bear Cub’s cone off yesterday and within an hour or so I noticed her scab was completely gone. Apparently she took care of it. This blog entry is kind of gross, yeah? Sorry ’bout it.

6 thoughts on “Throw-up Thursday

  1. Don’t even get me started on those bastard doctors and their cure-alls. Fuck ’em!!! I’m so sorry you have to get tested for cysts my dear friend. I can feel my blood pressure rising already at the thought that your reproductive health has possibly been compromised by a so-called expert. Prescription drugs have stolen four years of my husband’s career and consequently mine, now as his f/t carer. Ask the questions when you get the scan and when your results are ready. You deserve better treatment. Big hugs, Desiree xoxo

  2. I’m glad you don’t have any food sensitivities. It really is a blessing! It’s much easier to address vitamin deficiencies. I gotta say, swinging between different diets could be contributing to that! Try a good prenatal vitamin, maybe, and focus on HEALTHY, BALANCED foods. We love you guys!

    1. 🙂 Thanks, Fleeta. I’m mostly deficient in calcium and magnesium–ironic, because those are two supplements that I already have! I just don’t take them consistently. And yes, I need to start buying the “Source of Life” prenatal liquid MV I used to take–I just started buying the gummy ones so Maggie and I could both take them. As regard to diet, well…that’s always a struggle. YOU know. Boooooo.

  3. I had an ovarian cyst a few years ago, which was pure agony. I was in such pain I had to go to the ER and had a barrage of tests before they could tell me it was a cyst that was bursting/had burst. Thankfully, I have not had anymore since then. Hopefully you don’t have to go through that whole thing because it sucks big time!

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