Whining about the weather and a weird musical

view from the back
Good Grief, it’s cold today. About 62 degrees in the house, and we’ve been out of oil for a couple of weeks now. When we ran out I thought eh, no big deal–the temps were in the 70’s and it IS May, after all.

yard cub
Of course, June is traditionally freezing in Seattle, that’s the part I forgot. I’m warming my ice cold fingertips up in my armpits and considering calling the oil refill place. The only thing stopping me is that it’s sooooo expensive. And lately we are barely making it paycheck to paycheck. Why, I don’t know. What’s changed? Was it that 500 dollar dentist bill I had to pay recently? Probably. At least I don’t have to go back for a long time.

The late afternoon sunlight was so magical and dreamy in the forest area of the backyard when I took these photos–it’s a shame it doesn’t translate into the photograph. I MISS YOU, SUN! I just checked the 10 day forecast and it looks like this: 55 62 60 61…blah blah blah crap. Maybe my annual trip to Boise should be in June this year.

real real
Speaking of crap, someone recommended “Phantom of the Paradise” to me and I dutifully watched it. It’s an early Brian de Palma film–a musical that came out a year before “Rocky Horror” and was not nearly as successful. The thing about “Rocky Horror” is that I really do enjoy most of the songs–I can’t tell you how many times I’ve crowed, “Dammit, Janet…I love youuuuuu…” to my apathetic dogs. The thing about “Paradise” is that I liked ZERO of the songs. Actually I ended up fast-forwarding them.

the phantom of the paradise
The entire soundtrack was written by famous midget songwriter Paul Williams, who also stars as the record producer Swan who sells his soul to the devil and wears a variety of unflattering pant suits. To me, Paul Williams will always be the frog in the movie “Frog” and 100 bonus points to YOU if you’ve ever seen that film. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, but I loved it. I mean, Shelly Duvall, how can you go wrong?

Today I am indecisive about going to the gym, but at least I know what I’m making for dinner (spicy sausage and escarole over bowtie pasta). I have a house to clean, a drawing to complete and a painting to start. And apparently I need ENDLESS amounts of coffee. Mmmm, coffeeeeeeee.

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