Grumpy Cubs, Corinne’s garden and Bette Davis with an eyepatch

Bear Cub isn't into the pack
Hallo, blog! It’s Monday, and a working Monday for me. I’m happy to be working, but not happy that I feel like I’m getting a cold. Speaking of not happy, check out Bear Cub in her brand-new special “Kong” brand backpack! Ah aahahahaa.

BC hating life
“Hated it!” 

Bette Davis with an eyepatch
If the idea of Bette Davis swanning around in an eyepatch, dazzling array of costume jewelry and acting spectacularly bitchy appeals to you, PLEASE watch “The Anniversary“. I’m OBSESSED!

Happy Anniversary
What a Broad! Maybe this should be my next painting.

daisies in progress
The current painting, in progress.

Corinne's first garden
Here’s my Broad tending to her very first garden. What a green thumb on that one! It’s pretty dazzling.

Corinne's colorful garden
Now besides our aches and pains, we can talk gardening over the phone like a couple of proper little old ladies. Bliss!

A particularly hot week last month killed off about a third of our plants, but the basil hung in there. We had a nice meal with it.

flower blend
Currently I’m waiting for Josh to get out of his ice bath so we can eat the dinner I cooked when I got home from work–enchilada soup. Smells delicious. Normally in August I wouldn’t even think about cooking hot soup, but the weather in Seattle suddenly took a nosedive towards cold and rainy. Booooooo. WHAT ABOUT MORE CAMPING? I NEED MORE CAMPING.

petunia power
My petunias are a’poppin’. So long blog logs, time for me to snarf!

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