Well excuuuuuuse me

girl with flower crown is sold
“Girl with the Flower Crown” is SOLD! To Brenna! Thank you thank you, sweetie dahling, for supporting a local artist. Ahem, who happens to be your sister-in-law. Side note: sweet little Ronia’s hair is cut right now into a bob like this! I wonder if that influenced her choice. Ne’er mind, I’ll TAKE IT! I love it when my paintings find new homes.

rainbow platform shoe on wall
Wouldn’t mind a bit if the rainbow platform shoe painting found a new home. Maybe it needs a frame? Hmmmmmmmmmm…

Josh's painting of Maggie in progress
Joshy’s painting-in-progress of Maggie dog. Poor Josh. Not only is he getting the cold I had (still have, really), but I’m FORCING him to go to his very first haunted house tomorrow night. GOOD TIMES! I haven’t been to one since I was in my 20’s. The guy with the chainsaw captured me at the end, pinned me down, and smeared chainsaw grease all over my cardigan sweater so I figure, how could it be any worse than that? People just hate blondes. Discrimination, I tell ya.

appropriate refrigerator magnet
Extremely appropriate refrigerator magnet I bought for Josh during one of our vacations. I wonder which one of us will get the ol’ Alzheimer’s first, huh? With our mutual short attention spans and demented behavior, it’s going to be hard to tell when it starts. Although! I read an article recently that said if you can’t smell peanut butter with your left nostril, you may have early Alzheimer’s. So sniff that peanut butter, kids!

fishnets with eyeball stockings
Trying out my Halloween “costume” the other day. I ended up going with black matte stockings, not these crazy old lady lacy ones I stole from my cousin 10,000 years ago.

glitter skull and flower arrangement
“Flower Still Life: With Glitter Skull”.

Yesterday I was outrageously grumpy all day long, so I apologize to every one of you who had to deal with me on the phone/over the Internet/in real life. I’m 99.87777% certain it’s PMS, and I’m 0% stoked about THAT shit. Sigh. However…this morning I went to the library and left with a huge pile of fun books, and I’m finally healthy enough to engage in some sweaty cardio exercise today, so I think that will help. “weather.com” claims the sun will arrive today around 2 pm, but they’ve been lying to me recently, so we’ll see. Oh yeah! The Broad’s strike was called off yesterday, which means I have lots and lots and lots of canned soup stockpiled now for…well, nothing, but I’m happy for Corinne. Nobody wanted to strike.

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