Books, bright leaves, and Bears

library haul
Latest library haul. When I go to the library I usually have a few authors’ names written down that I’d like to try–in this case, my mother recommended C.J. Box to me, so I thought I’d give him a chance. Verdict: not bad. I ordered one of his paperbacks on Amazon as well. The hooping and weight lifting books I got to whip this carcass ‘o’ mine into shape. The book by Crumb’s wife jumped out at me on the biography wall, as things tend to do. I got the Salinger books because Josh is watching a documentary on him, and although we’ve both read “Catcher in the Rye”, we hadn’t read anything else by him, and I was always curious about “Franny and Zooey”. I started reading the Richard Hell memoir last night and so far, so good. I randomly grabbed it because I liked the title: “I Dreamed I Was a Very Clean Tramp”. He’s a good writer.

beautiful tree
I pass this gorgeous tree every day on the way to the dog park and just had to pull over and take a picture. The colors are far more vibrant in real life.

happy Maggie
Happy Maggie at the dogpark! The sun has made a few guest appearances this week, so we’ve been enjoying ourselves outside. Except for the whole “brrrrrr” aspect.

park path
This morning I received a text message asking me if I wanted to work tomorrow, I said yes, and within 10 minutes my boss texted me again and said the position had already been filled. Tease!

Maggie's feet
I love doggy feet.

cuddle Cub
Doggy everything, really. When I went to bed last night, Bear Cub was plopped right in the center of the bed, like a big soft furry LOVE Cub. What, did she think I wouldn’t glom onto her? Amazingly, she stayed put through my hugs and the pictures Josh took, considering normally she either charges the camera lens with her snout or runs away. She must be mellowing in her “old age” (5).

smoke and sunbeams
I looked up into the trees and saw this lovely sight of sunshine streaming through my neighbor’s chimney smoke. I had to grab the camera and document it. I’m ready for a fire! We moved the couch away from the fireplace so that we can have fires this winter. It’s about time for a “burn party”–burning up old papers. So satisfying.

It’s Friday! Since I didn’t work this week, it has less meaning, but still. Tomorrow the Broad and I will be attending a gay wedding reception. Not the actual ceremony, because apparently there was such a fuss made by conservative family members (ugh) that they had to make it private, just the reception. I plan on wearing my DIY sequin butterfly dress, heels, and false eyelashes, naturally. La tee dah! Happy weekend, kids!

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