Park Life, weekend plans and broken machines

windblown park face
Happy Friiiiiiidayyyy. Here’s my happy sunny park face sometime last week.

sunny trails
Today we went to the dogpark and when we arrived, it was just one couple with a gorgeous Weimaraner they were dog-sitting. After a while a woman showed up with two Huskies–Bear Cub romped with the one-and-a-half year old Husky while the second Husky–a recent rescue–chased after them, trying to play. Maggie does the same thing. Even at 8 she hasn’t quite grasped the whole “playing with other dogs” routine.

park pets
Maggie is, however, extremely adept at running up to every single person at the dog park and begging for attention. Also: seeking out those who have treats hidden in their pockets.

Maggie eats her greens
As we were leaving the park today the new-rescue Husky jumped the fence and started barreling towards us. I reached out to grab her but my toe suddenly cramped and I missed by about two feet. Luckily the owner was able to retrieve her after several panic-filled minutes. Damn Huskies! Always running away.

Maggie and Bear Cub conference
This weekend will be slightly busier than usual for us, at least on Sunday: an old old old old old blog/Flickr friend of mine is coming to Seattle for work and is going to have brunch with Josh and I. Tomorrow I have to research a classy place to take him. After that we are doing a potluck lunch with several of our old co-workers. I think I signed up to make a crockpot of soup. Note to self: figure out a delicious soup to impress people with.

Maggie checks out the action
Joshy and I started watching “Dallas Buyers Club” tonight before we broke to exercise/blog. He’s currently riding the exercise bike in the living room while watching “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” and shouting out all of the lines in an awful Australian accent.

heart shape
He’s riding the exercise bike because HE BROKE THE TREADMILL. That’s right! I was doing my every-other-night run/walk and he decided to tighten the belt while I was on it. He’s done this before, but he went a little too far this time and broke the damn thing. I didn’t yell at him too much because I figure either 1. he’ll fix it or 2. we’ll just buy another one. Treadmills are everywhere…Craigslist, etc.. Meanwhile: UGH. I miss it.

Maggie is a pretty girl
Who’s a pretty girl?

colorful socks
But is it Art? I felt like my new socks were photo-worthy.

because of the marijuana
“Bored to Death” is a cute little show we watch sometimes when we have the attention span to absorb the clever dialogue.

My goals tomorrow include paint paint painting, and at least one hour of fiction writing. Have a flab-u-lous weekend, bloggeroonies! And remember, Don’t Dream It, Be It.

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