Wednesday Instagram Ka-BLAM!

Maggie, Bear Cub and my "Drag is the Drug" tee-shirt at the dog park yesterday.
This is what summer is all about: me and my rogs in the sunshine having panty slobbery Fun Times at the dog park. Mmmm hmmmmm.

I love cracking open a fresh David Sedaris book!
Current reading material (in addition to two other books, of course). I’m taking this one slooooow, because I want to savor it. There’s nothing like reading a fresh David Sedaris book for the first time.

Dressed up for high tea
High Tea outfit from last weekend. I love that dress so much! I should get a pattern made from it and then make 10 more dresses in the same style. It claims to be a size 4, which I don’t really believe but hey, sure, why not? Nothing else in my wardrobe is a size 4. Must be “vanity sizing”.

Coral, silver and blue.
Outfit details from the wedding we attended Saturday night. I love that ring.

In blue at a wedding last night.
With Joshy at the wedding. Gee, we look like such clean-cut, respectable individuals. Hard to believe that 10 years ago I was a pacifier-chewing dirty sloppy Party Kid! Ha ha! My co-workers don’t believe that I ever raved. I’ll have to produce some photos to show them. Or maybe not?

View of Seattle from Salty's on Alki Beach.
The wedding took place at “Salty’s”, a restaurant on Alki Beach that we had never been to before. Oy vey, this wedding! It was Filipino/Irish, and involved something like 4 hours of JUST ceremony after ceremony–hand fasting and special dances and special whisky toasts and then money dancing and GOOD LORD the ceremonies weren’t even finished until after 10 o’clock at night! Well hells bells, I was tired and bored after all that! I told Josh that I would be willing to get on the dance floor if the song they played as we were leaving was any good…but it was Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. I didn’t know the bride and groom so I didn’t mind leaving um, “early”, ha ha ahhhhh.

The dispensaries are popping up like mushrooms. This one is particularly cute, isn’t it?

Summer is in my heart.
I will probably be living in this dress this summer.

Last night we went on two different house viewings. The first house was PERFECT–dark hardwood floors, great backyard, walk-in closet, beautiful high-ceilinged living room…but after we got home and crunched all the numbers and spoke to our money lady we realized that all of the costs combined would leave us too close to broke. Not to mention a decision about this particular house had to be made by today at noon: holy pressure, Batman! So we opted, sadly, to wait a little longer. Save up some more money. That lovely Kauai vacation really took a huge chunk out of our savings, as you can imagine–Hawaii is like that.

The second house was not only a total shithole, reeking of stale ciggies and cat piss and falling apart (yet at the same price point as the perfect first house!) BUT a drunk neighbor toddled over and started bitching to our real estate agent about the house lights that “don’t turn off” and trash-talking the former occupants. Then he left and hovered on his driveway and stared at us the rest of the time we were there. Talk about off-putting! Who would want to move into the house after meeting that guy? Maybe he wants the house for himself. Anyway, ew. That makes three houses total we have viewed, and one of them…man, I would have moved to in a heartbeat. Heigh ho! Onward and upwards. Time for me to jump on that treadmill and work off “Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day” at work (worth it).

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Instagram Ka-BLAM!

  1. Absolutely fab pics today Liz!! You look all gorgeous and scrumptious all dressed up for the two special occasions and your hair – oh your haaaaaaaaaairrrr!!!!!! Damn and blast house-hunting – it’s such a bloody awful job, especially when the price range means weirdo neighbours and cat piss – eek!! xoxoxoxo

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