Buy Nothing Today because it Feels Good

Buy Nothing Day Poster
Hey everyone! Happy Buy Nothing Day 2014! I actually wore my Buy Nothing Day tee-shirt (that Josh and I made back in 2008) to work today, with a nice pair of black slacks and a black cable-knit 3/4-length sleeve cardigan and black leather mary janes…you know, to “class” it up. Not one person remarked on my tee-shirt but I told some of my co-workers about Buy Nothing Day and a few of them seemed interested.

Today after I got home from work after my phone conversation with my mother but before I packed down a plate full of Thanksgiving leftovers I put on my rain jacket (weather currently is cold rain about to turn into snow) and went next door to meet both sets of my neighbors on either side. You see, two days ago at midnight the cops were at our house again!* And it was time to meet the rest of my neighbors. Now I’m happy to say I have met face-to-face: the neighbors across the street from us, the neighbors next to them, the neighbors next to them, and as of this afternoon the neighbors on both sides of us. I just need to meet the neighbors behind us and I’ll feel better about life. And perhaps slightly more confident that the cops will stop showing up on our doorstep. Although I guess it’s good to know the police are so…attentive, right? Sigh.

Currently I’m chugging coffee and munching on Shirley’s amazing coconut-rice krispie-chocolate chip cookies and getting ready to help Joshy hang up some curtain rods. I’m planning to be back on this blog this weekend to discuss Thanksgiving and maybe offer up a few pictures too, who can say?

One thing is for sure: I won’t be buying anything today! How about you blog-log? Did you participate by not participating?


* I’m not in the mood to divulge details about this weirdness but if you know me IRL you know the story anyway.

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