
Heyo! Boy it really is Monday around here. I had 8.5 hours of treatments scheduled today but managed to whittle them down a smidge to be off in time to walk the dogs before the sun went completely down. One perk of my job is that I can go into work as early as I want, so I can get off work earlier. I have it pretty good–my longest commute home is still only 20 minutes. Poor Josh is still stuck at work, and it will take him an hour to get home, minimum.

But never mind WORK, I don’t blog to talk about WORK anyway, let’s look at some pretty pictures!

My mother-in-law thoughtfully purchased this windcatcher for us during their trip to Maui last year. I love it! This picture doesn’t do it justice–the metal is glittery and it looks gorgeous in the sun.

I still don’t trust Bear Cub to not run into traffic but I have been letting them off the leash lately to go exploring. You can barely make them out in this photo, but they’re there, alright, snuffling around.

My mother-in-law also bought me a Day of the Dead water bottle for Christmas, and I’ve been bringing it to work. One of my co-workers spotted it, got really excited, and the next day presented me with this cool sugarskull temporary tattoo. I immediately donned it at work, and it looked GREAT for about two hours until I got home and worked out. Heigh ho!

White twinkle lights in the backyard that I have no intention of taking down. Twinkle lights year round! We did, however, take down the Christmas lights on the front of the house. I’ve been told that leaving your Christmas lights up year-round is “White Trash”, and HEAVEN FORBID we give off that, er, vibe.

Another shot of those beautiful tea cups from “Cost Plus” that make me think maybe I could be a tea drinker. My mother informed me over the phone yesterday (it was her 63rd birthday!) that my three cups of coffee per day is not excessive. Phew! ‘course, she used to drink a pot of coffee a day herself, but that’s neither here nor there…

I’ve just begun the process of delving into my 90’s Vogues and reading them again makes me feel genuinely happy. I’m so glad I kept them. Looking at 90’s supermodels makes me happy in a way that Josh will never understand…kind of like how all of that football watching lately seems to be making him happy in a way that I will never understand. Never.

Ah, Kirsty Hume! One of my favorites. According to an article, she’s back modeling at age 38, and so is her beautiful blonde daughter! Good for her! Who says models have to retire at age 29?

Beautiful misty walk this weekend. I am THIS CLOSE to finally upgrading to an iphone 5…and then my photos will look really good. Maybe almost as good as Josh’s! That dude has talent. Why he has so few IG followers, I don’t understand.

This past weekend was mostly filled with a little painting, but I did have a short Broad Date yesterday afternoon and we got our fingernails shellacked. I wore a primarily black outfit this time so the color of my outfit wouldn’t influence what color I had my nails done, so what color did I get? Black! With glitter! I think it looks pretty good, actually. Perfect time of year for black nails, anyway, winter, pfff.

I see the wackiest cloud formations sometimes.

Ta ta for now!

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