Dog park bliss, funny shows and sleep

Today's dog park therapy: much needed and appreciated. 🌲
Hallo blog! It’s Monday FUNday. We started going back to one of our favorite dog parks last week, the one that is off-leash with all the lovely walking trails.

I 💙 this show.
“Broad City” is back! And better than ever. I love this show. Josh says it’s too “crude” for his taste, but he watches it with me anyway.

Water dog!
I had three leashes in my dog park purse last week, and managed to drop one of them while being distracted on the way back to the car. Since it was a nice leash, and part of a matching pair, I went back looking for it on Saturday. I re-traced all my steps (looking for a GREEN leash, mind you), asked several people, and was about to give up when a very kind woman pointed out that she had seen a leash hanging on the fence, near (but not at the entrance!) to the dog park. Sure enough, there was the leash! I never would have found it if she hadn’t pointed it out. Dog people are the best!

Sweeties! Darlings! The #AbFabMovie is out this July! 💖💕🌟✨
Aaaaaaaaabsolutely faaaaaaabulous! Hey everybody’s favorite British sitcom is BACK as a movie this summer! Woo hoo!

Dragon destruction: complete.
Maggie’s destruction of both of the Christmas toys: complete. Although, this one is actually reparable, if I wanted to break out the sewing machine. I do need to break out the sewing machine and make Josh another sleeping bag sack, come to think of it.

I think it's funny that #xfiles is "required" viewing, not recommended!
For some reason it struck me as hilarious that Xfinity listed “X Files” as REQUIRED viewing, not recommended. The last episode is tonight!

I finally resolved my PRN work worries by sending out ONE LAST plea for work last week…and wouldn’t you know it, the person I contacted was looking for someone to work for her? Talk about perfect timing. Huge relief.

We got a framed Matisse print from our local "Buy Nothing" group! You can't tell here, but it's slightly glittery. Sweeeet. ✨
Josh and I signed up for our local “Buy Nothing” group. We recently acquired our first piece of art from the group, a black and white, slightly glittery version of Matisse’s “Blue Nude II”. Sweeeeet.

Dogs in the woods.
My goals for this week: walk the dogs and exercise every day, complete the neon Mandala painting, and remember to take my prenatal vitamins every morning with breakfast. It’s the little things.

Love these rare sunny days!
Last week I decided to trim my daily coffee consumption from 3 cups a day to 1 cup, partially for Robo Baby, partially for my nerves, and OY VEY! Talk about withdrawals! It’s been a while since I cut down on my coffee, and I forgot about the daily, ridiculous, and seemingly never-ending headaches. The good news is, after 5 days of daily headaches they finally seem to be subsiding. I just have to remember to drink even more water than I typically do.

Beautiful sunny day at the dog park.
Other things I have given up for Robo Baby: my 50 mg of Trazadone, which I have been taking for yeeeeears. I started tapering back in December and finally gave it up completely February 1st, when initiating the hormone shots. I was taking Benedryl at night to sleep, which apparently is safe to take when you’re pregnant, but this past week I’ve experimented with not taking anything. Brave New World! It’s a little easier when I’m not drinking coffee at 6 o’clock at night, heh heh heh.

"L.A. Story" is one of my "I can't believe I'm crying watching this movie" movies. 💦💦💦
I went over to my friend Christy’s apartment on Saturday night and she made me a fantastic dinner with chicken and vegetables and spices over couscous, and I spent several hours talking with her and her husband. I came home to a passed-out Joshy and lo and behold, what was on the “Laff” channel but one of my nostalgic favorites, “L.A. Story”! It makes me cry EVERY TIME, like clockwork, just like that terrible movie “She’s Having a Baby”. It’s not the acting, it’s the soundtrack! Bloody Enya!

So I cried on the couch twice and then Josh started crying and then I looked over at him crying and I cried harder and then he said, “We’re gonna have a baby!” and it was so ridiculous, us both sitting on the couch with our glasses off, crying into each other’s faces. It was a special moment, all right! That’s why I’m blogging it!

Gonna dress you up in my love.
Last night I thought, why not a hypnosis app to sleep? So I put on a free app called something like “Sleep Like a Baby” that apparently wasn’t set up to turn off after it runs and I woke up this morning at 8 with my phone completely dead. Whoops.

Soooo gooooood. 🌈
Did I sleep like a baby, though? Yes indeed!

Mmm, Chihuly glass. 💚💛💙
Look at that Chihuly glass! So beautiful! Makes me wanna…cook some eggs! Catch yer later, bloggers.

4 thoughts on “Dog park bliss, funny shows and sleep

  1. Ummm, I got where your excellent embryo count when down…but did I miss that you ARE pregnant????? I hope, I hope, I hope????

    1. Not yet! This IVF stuff is confusing, huh? I have two embryos on ice at the moment. I won’t know anything further until I meet with my doc next month. So I’m just waitiiiiiiiiiing…

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