Boy oh boy!

Maggie and Bear Cub join the pack.
What’s shakin’, turkey bacon? Here’s Maggie and Bear Schnubs getting in on some dog pack action. I’ve been alternating bringing them to the big dog park with trips to the little park near our house. Socialization is good.

Watch dog. 💙
Yesterday I was sitting in the sun-filled living room, working on the neon Mandala, when who should call but my fertility doctor!

“How are you doing?” she asked me.

“I’m great!” I replied. “The sun is shining!”

“Well…I have some great news!” she exclaimed. She went on to tell me that she had received the results back from the genetic testing lab, and our two little embryos are perfect! I knew they would be (I’ve been praying like crazy), but I definitely couldn’t anticipate what the next piece of news out of her mouth would be.

Muddy explorations.

“Do you want to know the sex?” she asked.

“YES!” I shouted excitedly.

“Okay…it’s two boys!”

I started laughing uproariously, because OF COURSE IT’S TWO BOYS. OF COURSE, the girliest girl who ever girled in the history of girls would have two boys! I laughed, my doctor laughed, I asked her a few more questions about jogging after the transfer (not encouraged) and we reviewed our plans to have a more “formal” talk at the office next month.

Then of course I proceeded to text every single person in my life currently who knows what’s going on with us, Robo Baby-wise: Just got the call from the doctor: both embryos are perfect and they’re both boys.

Today's happy little garden gnome socks. 🍄
My overriding emotion yesterday was just this: happiness. Boys, girls, who cares, as long as they’re healthy? My Aunt Lisa has two boys and they’re both awesome! And a green baby room is good for any sex.

Can you see the burn marks? I came home from walking the dogs this afternoon and the light from the beauty room window was bouncing off my mirror and burning up my make-up box! The horror! I have to remember to cover the mirror after I use it. Luckily it
Without work it’s proving to be very hard not to constantly think about baby baby baby…but I did almost set the beauty room on fire this past week, that was something! I forgot to cover up my mirror in the beauty room–the sunshine comes through the window, bounces off the mirror and will actually start burning up my make-up box if I’m not careful. See the char marks? Beauty hurts!

Oooh yeah! 💖💕✨
The designer Ashish Gupta just came into my consciousness this week. Into it!

Had to get out in that sunshine today! 🌞
The weather forecast for today says that things are gonna start getting rainy and shitty in the late afternoon, so I plan on taking the rogs to the park real soon.

My doggy silhouettes of Maggie and Bear Cub. 💖💚
Yesterday I made myself “jog” on the treadmill for two miles and it felt really goooood. It had been a while.

Did you see the Snow Moon on February 22nd? I generally don’t pay attention to moon cycles but I managed to catch that one.

2016 is gonna be my Year of the Caftan. ✨ Feel free to send me any caftan inspiration!
Well, Robo Baby Year is also gonna be my Year of the Caftan, and with that in mind, I already ordered a lavish green caftan on good old ebay for a whopping 15 bucks. Mmmm.

Crocuses blooming in the front yard.
I think I’m picking the best time of year to get pregnant–spring and summer are my happy months. Well…I like fall too. Okay, everything except winter!

Sunglasses and a short-sleeved shirt in February? Ooh yeah, baby. No complaints today. 🌞
Here’s Schnubs and I outside yesterday–it was so warm I actually started to sweat in my fleece. Yes sunshine, yes!

Alright! Today’s goals: go to the park with the pets, do some yoga, maaaaybe finish that neon Mandala painting? I think it’s done. Blarg. Deciding on the end is always the hardest part!

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