RAW October show: Part 1: a silver spectacle and a skinny Broad

sparkle outfit in the kitchen
Thursday night we dressed up to attend the final RAW show of the season. I decided the Best Costume for Today would be head-to-toe sparkles, including the silver spaceship and Andy Warhol pin that says “I am a deeply superficial person“.

sparkle sideways
I debated on whether or not to wear my silver glitter go go boots, but at the last minute went with flats. Silver glitter flats. A girl’s gotta be practical.

sparkle outfit prep
Fortified with coffee, we were ready to pick up the Broad!

Corinne is tilted
The very very skinny Broad. Every time I see her she’s dropped another 2 dress sizes–now she’s a size 2.

who's that sassy supermodel in spandex?
“What happens after you hit size zero?” I asked her, brattily. “Are you going to start wearing children’s clothes?”

“Ooh, yeah!” she said, oblivious (and probably hungry). “Remember those little girls petticoats?” I remember.

brain injury sign, silver petticoat and a shopping cart
But they didn’t come in silver!

space needle at night

Corinne and the record wall

The show had far more attendees than the September show, and by the end of the evening, the hooting and hollering and cheering for the hair and make-up team proved why. Gee, it must be nice to be popular. I wonder what that‘s like?

Mark Lovejoy's shoes
Mark Lovejoy had some fun little shoe prints.

Mark Lovejoy's pumps

Mark Lovejoy's psychedelic heel
I liked this one a lot.

Josh Cecil's colorful wall
Josh Cecil’s graffiti-inspired art.

that giant disco ball sucks me in again
Upstairs, the giant disco ball beckoned me again.

Joshy looking hip in his mustard-colored shirt
The Boy wore one of my favorite shirts of his–a mustard-colored vintage polo–along with my vintage polyester old man pants I’ve had since high school. I was a big fan of polyester in high school.

nino's fabulous line art
Nino Yuniardi had really cool line art, as well as a black-and-white line drawing on a canvas set up with paint markers available so people could add to it. Such a cool idea! I meant to add to it, but my A.D.D. was on overdrive and then boom the show was over. It’s amazing how quickly it goes when you don’t have to arrive 4 hours early.

Corinne looking fashionably aloof
Corinne looking fashionably aloof.

bulls eye
Me, looking…not especially “fashionable”, and certainly not aloof.

seriously shiny
That didn’t seem to matter, though–the silver petticoat was a huge hit. Everyone was crazy about it–“That is the skirt of my dreams,” one girl told me, dead serious. Several people wanted to touch it.

A few people wanted me to pose in photos with them, and twice I spun around in a circle while everyone gawked like some kind of blonde, glittery spectacle. Of course both times this happened the Boy neglected to take photos of the ridiculousness…too bad. I’ll just have to periodically Google myself from time to time: “that blonde girl at the art show in the silver petticoat” and see what turns up.

In other news, I found out yesterday that the job that I briefly thought I had last week is not happening after all. I was horribly depressed until I watched “Will & Grace” and ate some grocery store yellow cake with caramel frosting and got over it. There are far worse things in the world than unemployment, right? Anyway who has time to work when there’s a Halloween party to plan! Hmm? Huh? Sigh.

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