September camping: the end

Since today is the last day of September it seemed time to post the rest of the camping photos. I no longer operate under the frenzied compulsion to post my photos as soon as possible…but it’s been a few weeks.

After all, tomorrow kicks off one of my favorite months of the whole year and I’ll be obsessively talking about Halloween costumes/parties/decorations aaaaaaaall month long!

first glimpse of the fish
During the second day I went to take some photos of rock cairns and almost stepped on this giant fish. It wasn’t moving at all, and I assumed it was dead. I stared at it for several minutes, and it seemed to be staring back at me, so I called the Boy over to take a look.

checking out the fish
The fish was alive, but barely moving. We figured it had gotten stuck and tried to gently guide it back to the deeper part of the river, but it resisted.

the fish whisperer
We’re not fishermen, obviously, and didn’t even know what kind of fish it was. Later at home after some internet research the Boy determined that it was some kind of trout, and possibly spawning, which explains why it wouldn’t move.

the fish turns around
If that fish was spawning I’m glad we didn’t disturb it too much. It evidently had some business sitting there, and who are we to mess with nature? Hmmm?

rock cairn
The Boy accidentally knocked over this rock cairn while trying to take photos. Luckily, it missed the fish.

rock cairns
Is it sad that I still think of “The Blair Witch Project” when I see these things? That movie messed with my head for years. During every camping trip I imagined witches rattling the tent. The psychedelic mushrooms probably didn’t help.

mountain man
Nice belt! It reminds me of a pilgrim costume. Oops, there I go, thinking about costumes already!

Bear Cub and the mountains

vintage bikini on the rocks
Wearing the vintage bikini I scored at “Red Light” back in 2009. I can’t wait to molest you soon, “Red Light”!

wet, tired Maggie dog
After hours of running, swimming, scrabbling and fetching, Maggie does eventually get tired.

Maggie at camp
Of course, pretty soon she’s ready for action again.

Bear on the bank
I was so proud of Bear Cub and her fearless crossing of the river on this trip. Her first real swimming!

two dogs appreciating nature

don't fall in
I’m amazed Maggie never plunged into this hole. She has the tendency to do that.

water bugs

that amazing color
Ahhhh the color of that water makes me drool.

Maggie on the bank

The weather has been so nice this past week I’ve been spending every day with them outside, at the park, with my pedometer strapped to my workout pants. I like to pace while on the phone and yesterday I paced for an entire mile while talking to my mother.

Joshy strategically places himself in the river
The Boy, strategically, goes just deep enough.

river man, does what he can

liz on the bank with family in the background
Not as many self-portraits on this trip. I may finally be (gasp!) growing out of that phase. That um, 16-year-long phase. “Hobby”. “Lifestyle choice”.

he can't resist
There are plenty of other things to photograph in this world besides my mug!

balancing act
Furry men, furry animals, and nature, for example.

closer to the lake

Maggie always comes when called

such a gorgeous day
So beautiful.

the river thins out

About a half a mile from our campground was the Cle Elum lake, and we walked over to go swimming both days.

Maggie takes the plunge
Maggie likes to be in water as much as possible, just like me.

geese and a boat

Maggie fetches
Maggie fetching a tennis ball while Bear Cub waits to attack her (in shallower water).

the geese have a calm moment before the dogs arrive
The geese had a moment of calm before two black dogs come barreling towards them at top speed.

backstroke in the lake
The Boy didn’t like the darkness of the lake water and didn’t swim at this point, but I didn’t mind. The water was warm. Mmmm, bacteria.

in the Cle Elum lake

Yesterday Corinne chose the petticoat photo for me to paint and mentioned how she was disappointed with most of her poses.

“It seemed so exaggerated in real life, but didn’t show up in the photo that way,” she said. “Now I understand why you pose like this!” She threw her arms up in the air, mimicking my classic pose.

I'll quit posing (when I'm dead)
I may not know much about posing for photos but I know this: you’ll look like an asshole in real life but your photos will turn out much better if you exaggerate the shit out of each pose.

waist-deep in the lake
Same is true for make-up: it always looks garish in real life, but excellent in photos. False eyelashes, can you hear me?

lake girl
Having very little shame always helps too.

mountain stretch (with water bottle)
Camping with no one else around (except those pesky rednecks who shot at us) is the best!

Joshy is smiling with chips
Back at camp, a little snack before we hit the road. “Garden Vegetable” Lay’s chips–sounded good, tasted merrrr. Ever since I read that the most fattening, unhealthiest food in the whole world is a potato chip, I…have been craving them less.

oh, deer
A sweet little deer ran off the road as we slowly drove out of camp. Those ears! Those ears kill me! The Boy said I was squealing and tittering over the deer ears like some kind of…girl.

can you spot the two deer?
Oooh! Two deer!

Aw DAMN over the course of typing out this entry Mr. Sun disappeared. Figures. Well, the animals and I will survive. Is it too early to go to the costume shop?

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