Bountiful batiks, yummy yarns and iphone injuries

purple grapes fabric
Welcome back to part 3! Here I am salivating over the rack of fruits and vegetables fabrics that Pacific Fabric thoughtfully grouped together. Another quilt idea for the future: fruits and vegetables quilt! How adorable would that be? Corinne failed to get as excited as I wanted her to over that idea…

green avocado fabric
…but even she had to admit, the avocado fabric is pretty stinkin’ cute.

When I visited Lisa and the kids recently I mentioned something about the batik pillowcases I made for the Boy and I years ago. She requested batik pillowcases for Christmas, specifically, turtle batik, which I eagerly told her I’d be able to find, no problem.

“After all,” I said confidently, “If I can find grapes batik, I can find turtle batik.”

grapes batik
Grapes batik! Grapes batik! I already have grapes batik (of course), I used it to make this mini quilt a couple of years ago.

purple butterfly batik
Love this butterfly batik. Since I was shopping for Lisa, my eye was drawn to purple fabrics as it’s her favorite color. It’s refreshing that her obsessions (turtles and the color purple) haven’t changed over the 14 years that we’ve been friends. Makes shopping so easy!

purple floral batik
Her mother is an excellent quilter who also does her own batik. I fantasize about doing my own batik some day…so many hobbies, so little tiiiiiiime.

beautiful batik rack
More butterflies! I was in batik heaven.

aqua batik
Aqua is still my power color.

blue starry batik
Would this be perfect for pillowcases, or what?

Shockingly, I didn’t buy any batiks at Pacific Fabrics. They were unreasonably expensive, and I didn’t find any turtles, so I decided to hold out. Corinne and I made one more stop to the slightly crusty Jo Ann Fabrics in Shoreline, and BAM! Turtle batik! And 30% off, too! Thank goodness, because Corinne and I both left our coupons at home. I always leave my coupons at home. Smart people, I’ve heard, leave them in the car.

Corinne has her hands full
Corinne loading up on yarn. We talked about hanging out tomorrow, but I’m not even sure at this point if my car will be out of the shop. It has a lot of things wrong with it. Expensive things. Bad timing for expensive car repairs, too.

Lovebug yarn
Lovebug yarn! Adorable, and so soft. Now it just needs to come in jewel tones–I don’t do pastels very well, as I’ve discovered with the pale aqua fleece hoodie my mother bought me two years ago for my birthday–it shows dirt so fast. Drives me crazy.

purple glitter eyelash yarn
I turned the label so you can’t see whose name is plastered on here–let’s just say her initials are M.S.. Dammit M.S., first you took all the glitter at Michael’s away from me, now the metallic yarns too? STOP IT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW.

I tried doing yoga this morning but my left wrist is all screwy. Is it possible to have “iphone wrist”? The Boy’s brother-in-law kindly gave me his cast-off iphone 4 and I am WAY too excited about it, especially the camera. It’s about 10,000 times better than the iphone 3…and has a swivel screen for self-portraits, too. THANK GOODNESS.

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